New monitors or treat my room?

Scott Horner

Scottimus Maximus
So, the other day I made the mistake of going to Guitar Center to check out new monitors and I fell in love with the Adam A7s. (The mistake being me not being in a position monetarily to think about purchasing new monitors) So now, of course, I am really, really wanting those damn monitors. I also know after reading quite a bit on here that room treatment is just as crucial as my monitoring setup and as of right now, my room is untreated. So my question is, should I stick with the monitors I have now and treat my room first (since I've been planning to for a while) or go ahead and upgrade my monitors. Take into consideration that I am mixing on crappy Behringer Truths that I purchased before I was super serious about mixing and even after years of using them, my mixes just don't translate like they should. I think I know the answer here, I just need someone to talk me into doing the right thing, haha. Thanks guys.
If you treat your room well, you'll probably experience better performance from your current monitors, whereas an untreated room can essentially sabotage a great set of monitors and defeat the entire purpose of upgrading your monitors in the first place.

I'd say treat the room first, then upgrade the monitors.
I would say some room treatment first but it really depends on how good or bad your room is right now dimensionally speaking. Square small rooms and low ceilings present problems. If you are having trouble with the low end and low mids on your mixes then some bass traps in the corners and first reflection area treatment is a place to start.