Nearfield monitors for a small room

Have in mind that dealing with subwoofers is quite tricky because you need to calibrate it correctly and acoustic treatment plays an even more important role. You might end up with an uneven response and an unbalanced mix.


don't get the HS50m you won't have enough low end. You'll just spend more money on an extra sub and run into calibration problems.

Get the HS80m like I did after the HS50m. now I'm happy.

Try to get an 8" or you'll need a sub.

I don't know how much low end those adams put out so ask first to guys that have them.

take care
Lasse, I didn't realize you had MSP5's, and I know Zombietakeover here has 'em too (among others), so I'd really appreciate some advice on this - are they tolerable for normal listening for extended periods of time? Or is the high-end of those titanium tweeters just too fatiguing? Cuz my budget has come crashing down again for monitors, and I'd totally go for the Yamahas if I knew they could function as my all-purpose computer speakers...
Lasse, I didn't realize you had MSP5's, and I know Zombietakeover here has 'em too (among others), so I'd really appreciate some advice on this - are they tolerable for normal listening for extended periods of time? Or is the high-end of those titanium tweeters just too fatiguing? Cuz my budget has come crashing down again for monitors, and I'd totally go for the Yamahas if I knew they could function as my all-purpose computer speakers...

I had the HS-50 and the msp5 at the same time....sold the HS-50

the HS-50 are nice (as ADDITIONAL speakers.....kinda like the NS-10), but for a small room I'd totally go with the msp5 (they're not good for big room though)
I decided to buy MSP5s because I got them used for 350€. Thomann price is 558€/pair. Let's hope they will be good ! BTW does anybody know where I can order good cheap monitor stands?
Not sure in Europe, but good call on the MSP5's, let us know how they work out!

And for the $500/pair 8" cone category, what would you guys vote for - BX8a Deluxes or Event TR8's? I know lotsa people here swear by the M-Audios, but I've read some conflicting things about 'em elsewhere...

FWIW, I use my Yamaha HS80Ms as everyday listening speakers (in addition to mixing/mastering). In fact, I actually do more "everyday listening" than I do mixing, because I don't have a huge amount audio projects going on at the moment. I haven't found them fatiguing at all. Then again, I'm not sure I've ever found any speakers or headphones fatiguing.
Yeah, the HS80's do look bitchin', but my thing is I've been longing for the A7's, and if I'm gonna spend any more than $500 for a pair (which sadly is looking unlikely in the near future :mad: :waah: ), I'd just go for them.
yammy hs80 owner here. one thing i have noticed about 8 " mon. is that they really don`t give you enough of the bass. i thought it would be a better choice over a 2.1 system with a sub, but im rethinking it now. i have some fostex pm4`s that i may pair with a sub for the meantime to get a better idea of what consumer systems will sound like. but in the future, toggling between hs80 and adam a5 with a nice sub would be bitchin!!!
Ah I see. I've read good things about the A7's, but I've also read some not-so-good things - particularly here on the Sneap board.

Have you taken a listen to the Adams?
Yeah, I demo'ed 'em against the Event ASP8's, and while the Events had noticeably more bass, they're also FUCKING ENORMOUS and way too loud for my space, so the Adams won in that regard (because they sounded great otherwise). And their closest competitor, the Dynaudio BM5A's, are too deep for the space on my desk shelf, but even if I made room, they'd still be a bit too close to the back wall for comfort with those rear ports firing out the bass frequencies. Plus, I read how a lot of people on Gearslutz prefer the Adams to the Dynaudios, and while there are many people who would say the opposite, that combined with the size was enough to win me over.

Oh, and I honestly don't like mixing with a sub (at least not as my main mixing setup, and I can only afford one right now :)), cuz I feel it's too flattering to the kick drum when I'm trying to mix it; I'll feel the hits, and think it's fine, but when I listen on a system that can't do much below 100Hz, I often realize how much more attack it needs.
Yes. I don't mix with a sub. And the fact that I can't afford one is only part of the reason ;)

Most people don't listen to music with a sub. In fact, I might even say most (or at least a huge portion of) music these days is listened to through headphones.
MSP5 first impressions:

1: These sound bright as fuck!!
2: No bass
3: Superb stereo image

Probably really good for mixing but I have to admit I don't really enjoy listening to music with these. Probably gonna get better though when I get proper stands for them and lift them off my desk.
Yeah, from what I've read, the MSP5's really are meant to be monitors in the strictest sense of the word - check out this chart, the MSP series is the true successor to the NS10's, not the HS series - and thus I guess the MSP's really aren't meant to sound good, just like the good ol' NS10's!
Yeah, from what I've read, the MSP5's really are meant to be monitors in the strictest sense of the word - check out this chart, the MSP series is the true successor to the NS10's, not the HS series - and thus I guess the MSP's really aren't meant to sound good, just like the good ol' NS10's!

Exactly... Good reference monitors are going to give you TRUE reference. You shouldn't want to listen to music on them. That's what your stereo/iPod/whatever is for. A lot of "new school" guys don't like the "sound" of an NS10M... guess what... you are not supposed to. The MSP5's and MSP7's are the same. They are designed for TRUE reference. They are not designed to make your mixes sound better. They are designed to make you a better mixer. If you get your mix to sound great on an NS10 or an MSP... it's going to blow your head off on anything else.
I have Adam A7 too. GREAT monitors! I think they are great especially for metal due their great midrange... I heard people reccomend it for guitar music where the midrange is critical (and treble due to ART tweter are great too).
I disagree. The HS80Ms have an accurate amount of bass, IMO

And FWIW, my brother works at a pro audio shop in NY. He says the HS80Ms sell like hotcakes, to "real studio" owners. So maybe a lot of people are "upgrading" (?) - I haven't heard NS-10s tbh

+1 i listen to them in a tuned room and they were nice and flat.
That's honestly how i felt the first time i did a mix on the MSP5's.......I was so scared when i went to go listen to my mix on other system's.........But when i went to listen to my mix i was hearing exactly what i was hearing when i mixed it on my MSP5's.....the mix wasn't the greatest but it was true none the less