Monitors from another standpoint

Nice logic, bro. For all you know, he might be using the Behringers to hear what his mixes will sound like on the shittiest system possible.QUOTE]

I have a pair of Event SP 8's and love them but i always listen to my mixees on Behringer "Truth" monitors to see how shitty speakers are being effected
I bought some KRK RockIt5. and I´m very pleased with them.
I think it depends on the context you are going to use them.
As an homerecording guy you can´t even call me semiprofessional ;) I think the KRKs are doing a very good job for me. I´m not a pro and in realistic view I won´t become one in the I´d say buy whats "ergonomic" for your use :Saint:
824's killed my ears.
whadda bout adam a7s?

824's aren't normally known for inducing excessive ear fatigue (like NS-10'S), so maybe it was because of the room they were in...?

Never heard the Adam stuff, but my intuition tells me that they are gimmick based. I've also heard that they will give you extreme ear fatigue pretty fast.
so what do you use?

Right now I have a pair of KRK Rp-8's at home, but I really don't care for them. There's a whole section in the low mids that seems kinda masked. For $500 they're great, though. All of my commercial work (except the upcoming stuff) has been done on either 824's, Tannoy's (gold series and those dual concentric things that tear your head off) or the ns10's/Tad combo.

Gonna get some new stuff soon... Either the Event ASP8's or 824's and ns10's. The 10's are a must.
Really loving my ASP8's....they only turned up last week, but I have been in front of them every opportunity I've had and no ear fatigue whatsoever.
Nah the rooms were really well treated, designed from the ground up, auralex in the right places , etc....

i found 824's really over hyped in the top, too scooped in the mids and generally too hi fi. I also found my mixes didnt translate so well on them.

the last mix i did was on adam p11's and ns10's, and its the best sounding and translatable mix i ever did, and it was in a room id never used before , and my ears didnt hurt afterward!

so boo to 824's
i found 824's really over hyped in the top, too scooped in the mids and generally too hi fi. I also found my mixes didnt translate so well on them.

Your experience with 824's is pretty much the total opposite of nearly everyone else's. It had to be the room....saying the word Auralex makes it even more suspicious. "Scooped mids" means less ear fatigue, too.

NS10's will wear your ears down faster than anything.

I think your ears are out of phase. Jk. Lol.
auralex in the right places , etc....

Not trying to be a dick, but the right place for that is still on the store shelf! DIY bass traps can look better, but always outperform that stuff.

so boo to 824's

I'm right with you there! But they never fatigued my ears. A bit scooped. Listening to music on them is cool (I moved mine to my home stereo in the living room), but they didn't translate.
Listening to music on them is cool (I moved mine to my home stereo in the living room), but they didn't translate.

Usually the mix "translate" thing has less to do with the monitors and more to do with the room and/or the engineer - at least when speaking about quality products like 824's.
Another thing about using crappy speakers that you know well is that you're just guessing on a lot of things. You can't ACTUALLY hear the low end, you're just "trying to make it sound good" instead of actually hearing what you're doing and what frequencies you're fucking with. It makes a lot of guess work instead of a lot of "I hear what I'm doing" work.

It may translate pretty good on your speakers and some other places, but try putting those mixes on some high quality monitors or in a studio.

And yeah I know most people won't be listening on that, but instead they'll have shitty speakers or headphones, but when did we start mixing music to the lowest common denominator?
hell it couldve been!
maybe i am out of phase. lol

the auralex was just to tone down refelctions in a big room,

hell why am i defending it, i dont work there anymore and the guy who runs it is a cunt

i waaaaay prefered the ns10s, switching to those rebalancing then switching to the adams was like, DAMN IM GOOD.

but none the less , i dont think 824s are for me, i like them for tracking, but not for mixing.
Can someone who is experienced tell me exactly what is wrong with Behringer 2031A ?

I want to hear an answer on this too.

I just got a pair for my first set of real monitors. I don't feel "good" enough to justify spending more money on them for a while.
It may translate pretty good on your speakers and some other places, but try putting those mixes on some high quality monitors or in a studio.

Man, I still crap my pants evertime I play stuff from home studios in the real studio.

As far as the Behringer's go...
For one - every single set I've heard (in other people's home studios) had blown woofers. So be careful.