Best budget Nearfield Monitors


Nov 22, 2010
Hello! I was looking for a new couple of nearfield monitors in the 250€ price range (around 300$).
Knowing that at this price it's impossible to ask a monitor the perfect representation of the sound, which model is in your opinion the best for mixing and mastering, with the most realistic representation of the final result?

yamaha hs50m?
Samson resolv a6?
krk rokit 5?
any other suggestion?

thanks in advance!
HS50m no doubt about it.

Maybe wait for the newer version that will come out soon.
thanks everybody for the suggestions, I think I'm gonna go for the yamaha. where did you read about the new model incoming?

btw, which is better, yamaha hs 50 m or yamaha msp 3? i've heard the hs serie is more similar to the ns 10, while the msp serie is more like the genelec type, very flat (consider that i'm a bedroom producer, i don't need much volume). do you think that its 4" is decent enough for mixing and mastering?
I've just heard that the yamaha ns and the hs serie are more mid oriented to help mixing, while the genelec and msp style monitors are more balanced, and reproduce the sound more similar to how it would be played by normal devices (which is not a bad thing if you use them also for mastering). am I wrong?