Actual motW Information


Skirt Wizard
Jul 31, 2002
Boston nee San Diego
Since talking about the band is apparently anathema (harhar har) on this board, here's a sticky thread for people just looking for information on the band and not the warm and lovely chatter of the regulars here.

New album: motW is still laying down tracks for the new album. Drums were recorded in May, guitars and bass are what is currently being recorded. Everything else comes after those are done. The band is shooting for a "summer 2003" release, it's anybody's guess whether or not that will actually happen. The release will be a single CD, with a running time of about an hour, and will feature five songs, whose names are: The Antique, A Pitcher of Summer, The Manifold Curiosity, Wayfarer, and Marathon.

Purchasing merch: All three motW albums are readily available from Dark Symphonies: . T-Shirts from the first album (the "Part the First" shirts) are now and will probably be forever more out of print. If you feel passionate enough about it, drop Dark Symphonies a line telling them how much you want one. If they get enough people asking, maybe they'll do another run. Who knows. Neither the band nor DS have any old stock to sell.

If you want to hear what the band sounds like: Please visit our site at

Fair warning: Pretty much nobody talks about the band in the other threads. Doing so will probably get you made fun of. Well, not really, but you might not get a ton of serious responses.

Chupe666 is in November's Doom. So is November's Paul. Tell Chupe how much you like his watch.
just to add to Sam's post. I just got back from the studio. And now the bass for the new motW is essentially done on all five songs, aside from little bits Nicholas may want to fix up at a later point. And I layed down some improv stuff tonight and will hopefully finish all of my part of the album tomorrow.
about the t-shirt, i emailed darksymphonies a few weeks ago, and they said that they will be printing more shirts when the new cd comes out. supposedly.
as long as no one asks when the new album is coming out or if it's going to be another 2 cd release because we had about 19 threads asking the same question
You guys must keep in mind that this band has done 5 full lengths, and each one has had a different line up. "Begat" had 3 members, "Wife" had 5 members, "My Fruit" had 6, "Bath" and "LYBM" had 8, and this next record has 5, with guests of course.

The point is, losing/gaining members is nothing new. Look at motW as a 'project' as opposed to a 'band' and it makes more sense.
true. but it's still dissapointing seeing a whole new line up on every cd. and i know we've asked this many times, but are you ever going to re-release "begat" and "wife"?
so what are you guys doing about a live band?
hiring fat, ugly studio players?
o rare you just gonna go all Shadow Gallery on our asses and not play live?