ADA MP-1/ L6 UX1 Interface?

Robert W

May 13, 2009
I'd like to pickup an ADA MP-1 preamp soon and was wondering if I could just run a line out of it into my Line 6 UX1 USB interface w/o a problem.
Your preamp WILL clip the instrument and line inputs. You will have to use the mic preamp on the UX1 and lower the gain. I recommend you get something else for just a wee bit more money. I have an ADA MP-1 and a KB37 (a UX2 with a midi controller keyboard). Line6 interfaces suck.
Have to MP-1 in front of me now. I ran a cable into the input jack on the front of the unit and and two cables from the A/B outs of the back of it and into the L/R line inputs on the back of the UX-1, but am not getting any signal output when I run this into Reaper.

Any advice?