ADA MP-1 Classic clip

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Betwenn working on something interestig for Positive Grid​ and mixing awesome music I took a few minutes off to try out this old school preamp...
And man, these old rack units can sound quite good indeed!

Here's a wee clip for you to show you the ADA MP-1 Classic.
I didn't even bother miking the cab for this clip (as I said, I'm quite busy atm, so this was really just a quick test), but instead I used the awesome Two Notes Audio Engineering​ Torpedo Live to create this clip.
So what you have here is an old school preamp through an old school power amp, recorded silently with the Torpedo...
Enjoy...or don't...your choice, your taste, your ears.

(ignore the Soldano, it wasn't used for this clip)

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sounds great. too bad it wont repair the ear raping from the dozens of guys i have seen use this same setup live and fail miserably :p
Good Sound!! I am thinking about buying one used. Have you checked it against the mp1 Channel?

Best regards
had one of these for quite a while. really nails the dry jcm800 sounds. lot of really good guitar players used these to kill.
has about the best chorus money can buy... basically a ce-2 on steroids. sm MN3007 chip.

recently sold mine cause it just didn't play with other gear well and really not a lot of great 'semi-dirty' or clean tones, but it did one (or two) things well.
A friend of mine has one. I like it. I contemplated getting one myself since the prices sometimes are really cheap. He got his for 150 usd! The prices seem to have gone up recently though. I ran it with a tubeworks mosvalve power amp into a genz benz gflex cab. Here's a clip I made a while ago .

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