Adagio - Archangels In Black

I think that's the worst song title I've ever seen and the music is horrible. The screams sound like a fucking camel falling over. Then again I've never really liked Adagio much.
The sample from "Undead" was much better but he's still fucking horrible at screaming.
I think that's the worst song title I've ever seen and the music is horrible. The screams sound like a fucking camel falling over. Then again I've never really liked Adagio much.
The sample from "Undead" was much better but he's still fucking horrible at screaming.


I actually completely agree. Not really my type of music to begin with, though.
I do agree with the remarks about the singer, the worse thing they did was part ways with David Readman. That guy is IMO one of the greatest voices in metal right now.
Hmmm...not their best effort but it has some redeeming qualities. I'll probably check out the album when it is released, but I dunno....I want to like it but I'm just not sold. I really think they peaked with Underworld.
Looking forward to the album, but they really should either put less emphasis on the screaming (ie: No shitty intro screams.) or geti rid of it all together.
I have been keeping a watch on this album for awhile; however I had forgotten about it over the last several months and did not realize this song was released.

Thoughts: They have definately changed a lot since the Sanctis Ignus/Underworld (David Readman) days. Even though I liked Dominate for the most part it was absolutely nothing compared to Underworld, which I still consider one of my favorite albums of all time. I really think David Readman had a lot to do with it as well where I really didn't care for that Brazilian vocalist they had on Dominate. This new track has a new vocalist that I think fits much better than the last guy did. He is no David Readman but his vocals have a few small similarities with his and do not sound so stereotypically power metalish as the last guy's did. On the note of the growls, Stephan started doing them on Dominate and they sounded decent, in this song they sound kind of not well done and out of place. Maybe they will be done better on other tracks but only time will tell.
I found this...the music video for the song "Fear Circus". Now this sounds a little more familiar to the pre-Dominate Adagio that I remember.

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Except for the lyrics in the first verse it's not very bad. A little bit like a symphony x filler.

First10 seconds: RE! SPECT! WALK!
^Except SyX have never sounded that dark before, not even in The Odyssey Or Paradise Lost.

I quite enjoyed it, better than the one I posted that's for sure. I somehow think they won't top Underworld, though.
I've listened to it (Fear Circus) a few more times and it really has a few elements that remind me a bit of Underworld. The keyboard melodies are quite similar, the singer sings the choruses very much in the same way as David did, and there is even an orchestra section in the middle that sounds almost identical to something from Underworld.

I actually really like the song myself! Even the video itself was quite nice to look at I think. I even like the Vamphyri song in the original post for the most part except that the growls seemed a little out of place. I think I will probably pick this album up..