Adagio - Archangels In Black

The verses of R'yleh get me every time. He sounds like a demon or something.
That song is one of the best ever...the intro is amazing, and I love the dueling clean & harsh vocals :kickass:

As for AIB, it was kind of "meh" upon first listen, but it got much better on the 2nd time through, and now I'm really digging it. I do agree that the growls sound better overall on Dominate, but I think they're more than adequate on AIB. I miss Gus Monsanto, but the new vocalist certainly isn't bad...just doesn't have that special quality I thought Gus provided. I think Stephan was fairly on target when he described AIB to be a combination of the orchestral leanings of the first two albums with the aggressiveness/darkness of Dominate. At any rate, I'm happy with the release and will pick it up soon :)
That song is one of the best ever...the intro is amazing, and I love the dueling clean & harsh vocals :kickass:

As for AIB, it was kind of "meh" upon first listen, but it got much better on the 2nd time through, and now I'm really digging it. I do agree that the growls sound better overall on Dominate, but I think they're more than adequate on AIB. I miss Gus Monsanto, but the new vocalist certainly isn't bad...just doesn't have that special quality I thought Gus provided. I think Stephan was fairly on target when he described AIB to be a combination of the orchestral leanings of the first two albums with the aggressiveness/darkness of Dominate. At any rate, I'm happy with the release and will pick it up soon :)

I remember not being super impressed on first listen; however, there do seem to be some things you don't pick up until 2 or 3 more listens. My first listen was while sitting at the computer and doing other things. The next couple of listens I had were in my car and during those listens it really clicked with me. I dunno, thats just me though.

Also, I do remember the harsh vocals being different in Dominate, and now that I think about it it seems that they were of a more high pitched black metal style of vocals. The growls on AIB seem lower pitched like deah/thrash vocals over a more black metal influenced musical style. Now that I am typing this while listening to the album I am noticing that the harsh vocals seem low, volume wise, in the mix? I remember the growls in Dominate being quite a bit louder...
Yeah, that happens a lot where you listen to something the first time and aren't totally focused on it and can't really form an opinion that's worth a shit :D I'm currently hooked on Twilight At the chorus with the growls and punchy rhythm guitar, just badass :)
I literally never listened to them other than one song which i believe was from Underworld. I downloaded the discography (quite illegally, mind you) to check them out and see if I have any interest in them as a band before I even think about purchasing their stuff.

Oh, the song i heard was "The Mirror Stage" about 4-5 years ago. I can't say i was overly impressed at the time, let's see if the years have changed me.
I did Underworld thats about it, and Zach. I'm pretty much the same way, its so damn hard to get good music out here withouth online ordering. So I much prefer to hear if I like a band, or an album before buying it. Could save myself some money and some space on my already over populated cd rack!
It's kind of odd that so many people around here don't like Adagio, specially considering how similar both bands are.
CM sounds to me pretty much like a hybrid clone of SX and DT, which is where they started by playing music of these bands. I do enjoy the two CD's I have occasionally, but in the process it is blatantly obvious.
It's kind of odd that so many people around here don't like Adagio, specially considering how similar both bands are.

Symphony X and Adagio are similar in theory, but upon futher examination of their songs you can begin to spot the differences.

For example, Symphony X's songs flow a lot smoother than Adagio's; the latter seem to have many songs with a "disjointed" feel to them. For example, listen to Next Profundis - there's an overt transitional fill between almost every section of that song, like they couldn't find another way to transition into the next part. Adagio's songs sometimes feel like a "cut and paste" job to me, while Symphony X's transitions make their songs smooth and creamy like butter.
So you're saying SymphX is like creamy butter, whereas Adagio is more like salmonella-infested peanut butter? You bite your tongue, mister! :p One interesting point where they are similar is that the last two albums for each band are both darker/heavier than previous fare.