Adagio - Archangels In Black

Ok....for the first time in a long time, yesterday I listened to Underworld. It reminded me of how absurd it is to be comparing Dominate and AIB to one another because it is of a much higher class than either of them! And as some say that David's vocals are what make it a much better album I will disagree. While his vocals are outstanding the music really was just done so damn well that the album would have been epic even without vocals.

cool ,but imaging Underworld with Gus and Eric!
cool ,but imaging Underworld with Gus and Eric!

Ok, well I try not to....

While I stand behind my comment that David didn't "make" Underworld a great album alone, I also say that taking him out and/or replacing him with another vocalist does nothing but make the album less good. Underworld has been out for a good 6 or 7 years (damn its been THAT long!?) and I can't imagine it being any different than it is now.