Adam A7's for metal?

they rule bro i have a pair with my mackie hr626's and i think the a7's are very nice. but they do need a sub with them.

You really think they need a sub? Not really a position to have a sub. I've been mixing on Tannoy Reveals for like.... ten years now. Mostly out of laziness to buy a better pair. But I think the time has come to upgrade.

I don't feel like I need a sub; though maybe I do, and just don't know it.
They are truth-tellers.
If your mix isn't good, they let you know.
In the beginning I thought they were kinda fatiguing because of their mids
but I got used to that very quickly and now I can sit for quite some time with them.

Like mentioned above they cant reach the very low low-end.
Im thinking about getting the Adam Sub7 to complement it but first Im gonna invest
in some acoustic treatment.

Oh, and they look really cool :D
The A7's are one of the most revealing monitors for $1k but beware of the recent quality issues and lack of support. There was a big thread on gearslutz about it, people are having problems with one speaker being quieter than the other and noise issues.
The A7's are one of the most revealing monitors for $1k but beware of the recent quality issues and lack of support. There was a big thread on gearslutz about it, people are having problems with one speaker being quieter than the other and noise issues.

Hey man... do u mind finding this thread for me...because i can't find it there... i hafe the same issue on my adam's ... that's fu*king lame...
And its not only quieter it lacks in low end response... :\...
but the other one that works good is fenomenal... :lol:
Wow, it says the audio was disabled because of not being authorized by WMG (I assume that's some copyright thing), they were pretty fast on the draw with that one! And you really need a new TV :lol: And I miss that guitar :cry:

Kev - nice pipe in the window :lol:

Is THAT what it is? I thought it was a bunsen burner or something :lol: