Adam Lambert & American Idol!


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I'm sure alot of you hate this show, since its not your cup of tea. In all honesty i'm for the most part with most of you. Accept for this season there was an amazing, talented indivdual known as Adam Lambert. A power house of a vocalist, who brought something new to the show, who wasn't afraid of being himself, and showing the world that good music still exist.

Sadly he did not win, for reasons I cannot see other than the fact that america obviously voted for the one who is 'better looking', and assumingly not gay (where as Adam Lambert is assumed to be gay but really hasn't opened up about it yet.

For anyone who does not watch the show, I do strongy suggest you check out Adam Lambert. It just saddens me that such shit has to happen, but all well. For those of you who might have been following, I wouldn't be to worried because im sure he is already a super star. Rumours of him becomming Queens new front man (since he did do Freddy Mercury's parts with ease.) Either or, just felt like giving a shout out to a talented individual who I expect to see some good shit from in the near futur.
Yeah, haha, Freddie was gay, and awesome.

Adam Lambert was my favourite contestant on Idol... EVER. His version of "If I can't Have You" (live version) was purely stunning. I commented about that performance the night after on these forums, actually.

Also, I'd consider him better looking than Kris... and I mean that in a totally straight fasion, lol.

Here's a link to that video in HD!

Another thing to note - Kara Dioguardi (4th judge) sung on the finale, and I had no idea who she was at that point. She has an incredible voice as well... I was stunned.

EDIT x4 - This video shows Adam's chops:

Thats my boy, I particularly liked his version of "Whole lotta love" by Led Zep, check er out!

No body can tell me with a straight face that he doesn't fracking slay the song. But hey, once again america prooves to be big douches. Sorry to the awesome americans on here, you guys arnt douches.
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Hahah, watching American Idol is kind of a "guilty pleasure" for me. But hey, what the fuck? It's entertaining shit! I liked this season and agree that Adam has a sick voice. But I'm fine with the other guy winning, although he isn't as original.

But I guess they all (atleast almost all) end up doing shit music anyway so... Let's see if anyone from this season does anything remotely interesting.
I kind of agree..... It's been a while since FM passed away, and bringing in a FM soundalike just reeks of sellout, imo. Had they replaced him shortly after his death, and carried on, I'd say more power to them. Like AC/DC when Bon died, it wasn't too long after that Brian was announced as the new singer, and the band has had an amazing longevity. Journey going with their Steve Perry sound alike when they had Jeff Fucking Scott Soto on vox, was the most stupid thing they could have done (as always, IMO). Instead of forging ahead, the took the safe route, and all the journey lemmings around the world will flock to their concerts.

Back to queen, I wasn't too thrilled with Paul Rodgers being in the band, but once again, they seemed to do ok with him at the helm....
Sadly he gained immense popularity while being free of binding contracts that have ultimately ruined the careers of the majority of Idol winners around the world?

I reckon whoever comes 2nd has the better deal.

Agreed. I believe winning the thing is more likely to be a bad than a good thing.
I watched the finals of idol one year and thought the entire thing sucked, then all the hype around it made it even more sickening. Just the fact that its a popularity contest is too much for me.

So I listened to whole lotta love and yes the guy has a great voice, but I didnt like some of what he did with it. Sounded more show than feel, form over function. The guitar worked sucked too. Then any male with that freakin hair cut needs help. Thats a Dianna Ross hairdo from the late 60's or early 70's and it looked stupid then on her......... get a freakin grip.... lol

I did spend some time thinking about the song list I'd like to see performed to show a vocalists talent. Thats more interesting to me.
Meh, I don't care who Queen have as their singer at this point... I'm a big fan of them, but come on, I'm as interested in their new stuff as I'm interested in new Guns n' Roses (not very much).

Actually, just noticed that they apparently released a new one with Paul Rodgers as a singer last year. Is it any good? Are they going to do more with another singer?
Adam Lambert is already famous, and I do agree queen is not the best of options. But he is by far the best singer they've had since Freddie. This guy aint everyone cup of tea, but at least there is a bright future for someone who isn't a K-Fed, Justin Timberlake wannabe. And that for me is a step in the right direction no matter how you look at it lol.

On that note, he isn't playing the guitar, he is a singer/performer so perhaps if they get some good musicians and adam puts his say in it, there will be some awesome music released. He has already said he doesn't just wanna stick to one style, and is really into the fusion stuff. So time will tell I suppose!