Add PUNCH to a snare drum?

You dudes that use transient designers - do you insert that before or after the compressor? Or, do you insert the TD on the snare track, and then buss your compression?

Everyone is going to be different but I like to do comp-->eq-->td.

I like the td to be last unless blending samples (in that case the sample trigger is last of course).
As far as setting a compressor I does it like this:

"Try dialing in your snare comp by setting the ratio to max, then opening the attack till you get a real pop, then back the ratio back down to 2:1 or 4:1, quick release, then see how its sitting." (I'm pretty sure this is quoted from Sneap).

I usually end up with attack times at like 40ms and release times around 350-500 depending, but really I just set those by ear.
Why not to blend it with ssd?

Because everybody already does this.

People spend hours looking for samples that they could have spent learning to tune drums and experimenting with mic technique that would have given them some genuine skills - rather than leeching off others.

It means that every other mix on here sounds identical and that metal production is becoming embarrassingly unoriginal and an over saturated one.
Hi, good tips here. But i have a question too. When you guys layer different samples, do you use several vst instances in serial, or each one on a single track? What about phase issues. Ok, serial is easy to setup, but in paralell you can process individually. What´s the right way?

One good tip is, to trigger your gate by sidechain. Drag the trigger signal ( a duplicated track of original snare for example) like 10ms before the snare you want to gate. No transients will be lost. Maybe a look ahead function could do this...
What's so wrong? All I said was thank you :) I didn't think that would offend you in some way.