
Hey cool! Actually I was just listening to the song, and i really dig that intro, it came out well. Thanks for letting me know that EC, very nice of you :) The playing in the end of the song also came out cool I think. The rest of the song could have been a little bit better though, I didn`t do a great mixing job there, amongst other things the solos should have been more centered, I realize that now, sorry guys, I know that you mentioned it way back Rabs, but I was stubborn.... :cry:
Originally posted by rabies
They only thought the intro was great? What about the rest of the song? :p ;)

No, they liked the whole thing, it's just that they particularly enjoyed the intro. Even went so far as to say that Maiden should've thought of that! :headbang:

The only negative that I often hear is that our songs are out of synch.

I've explained that those are mostly the older ones, and that we've been able to avoid that lately.

I still wish I could pinpoint the exact reason why that happens. It's ruined quite a few of my bass tracks, for sure. :mad:

It almost has to be the mp3 encoding, right? :confused:
Originally posted by rabies
I am not sure what out of sync means. Can you give me an example?

Any of the songs where the tracks just didn't seem to line up porperly.

It used to happen a lot with my bass tracks. Listen to Running Free. My bass sounds like I'm on ludes and a quarter beat behind through the whole song.

The tracks lined up when I recorded it.

I assume that it was inserted properly.

For whatever reason (I think the encoding), it just won't synchronize and sounds out of time.

We have a lot of songs like that, especially the older ones. :(
Originally posted by rabies
I am not sure what out of sync means. Can you give me an example?

Originally posted by Eddies cellmate
Any of the songs where the tracks just didn't seem to line up porperly.

It used to happen a lot with my bass tracks. Listen to Running Free. My bass sounds like I'm on ludes and a quarter beat behind through the whole song.

The tracks lined up when I recorded it.

I assume that it was inserted properly.

For whatever reason (I think the encoding), it just won't synchronize and sounds out of time.

We have a lot of songs like that, especially the older ones.

I have problems with the sync issue too. I think that the problems are related to conversion as well. Some of the files I've downloaded seem to have the tuning altered after I convert them.
I know that every tuner uses a slightly different reference tone but I'm encountering nearly a half step of variance from standard pitch at times. I think what is happening is that the files are being stretched and shrunk in the process of conversion and it's changing the timing and the pitch.