The History Of The I.M.G. Part 1


Proud IMG Guitarist
Apr 17, 2001
Sheffield, England
Just for a bit of fun, I thought I'd start writing a history of the I.M.G. hope you enjoy it! :)

2 Years and 3 months, 36 completed songs, 37 Musicians and 3 message boards have passed since the I.M.G. first came into existance in March of 2000. This post is the first of 4 going through all 37 of the rocking tracks the I.M.G. has produced with a brief review of each. First up is the year 2000 part 1 covering March 2000 - October 2000.

Holy Smoke

Recorded in March 2000, Holy Smoke was the very first track produced and marked the debut of bass player and co-founder Eddie's Cellmate, the vocal talents of 7th son and Nefilim and the dodgy guitar work of Virus!

Recorded against a Midi drum track, this hastily produced song was intended as a test to show that long distance recording over the internet was possible. After the initial recording of the bass and guitar 7th Son and Nefilim burst onto the I.M.G. scene providing an excellent vocal track each for the song!

Running Free

Also recorded in March 2000, Running Free was the I.M.G.'s first proper recording featuring the musical talents of Eddie's Cellmate on Bass, The Gambler on drums, Ghost Of The Navigator on guitar a vocal track from 7th Son and Jim's first vocal track for the I.M.G.

Considering this was the very first proper song recorded and no-one had done this before, this song is amazing remembering that the people recording were from America, Germany and Holland!

One thing I did notice, and is in no way meant to offend but does anyone else think the drum intro sounds a lot like the one from "Lust For Life" by Iggy Pop?!

The Trooper

Introducing excellent guitarists Ironcross and Adde, this track also featuring Eddie's Cellmate on bass, The Gambler on drums and vocals from 7th Son and Jim is a real I.M.G. classic moment!

Recorded in May 2000, 7th Son's spine chilling scream in his version of the song really sets the mood for an excellent rendition of an Iron Maiden classic! This is one of the first of many songs where you could really mistake the I.M.G. version for the original!

Definately one of The Gamblers best drum tracks, everyone in this song rocks!

Can I Play With Madness

Recorded in July 2000 this song introduced the guitar talents of Mr Hyde to the I.M.G. and featured Eddie's Cellmate on bass, Ironcross covering 2nd guitar duties and a vocal track from 7th Son. This song also marked the last drum track from The Gambler.

An excellent rendition of the track with top performances all round, it doesn't gell together as well as some other tracks but really gets the head :rock: !


August 2000 marked the spectacular entrance of Ploughman on drums and Pyuras on guitar, also featuring Eddie's Cellmate on bass, Adde on 2nd guitar duties and an excellent vocal track from Jim!

This is another moment where you could very easily think you were listening to Iron Maiden! Haunting guitar work floating round and knocking you for six!

Mixed by Adde, this is a really fresh and energetic sounding track, a top job by all those involved!

Aces High

The first of a double whammy in September 2000, Ghost Of The Navigator straps on his guitar for his 2nd I.M.G. track joined on guitar by Ironcross, Eddie's Cellmate on bass, Ploughman on drums and vocal tracks from 7th Son and Jim.

Really cool guitar and bass work with a solid drum track makes this song a worthy addition to the I.M.G. catalogue, check out 7th Son's ending scream and Jim's excellent vocal work in the pre-chorus!

The Prisoner

The second in September 2000's double whammy, this song marked the debut of the excellent musicianship of Maidenman on drums, Constantine on bass and Medsy on guitar. Ironcross covering 2nd guitar and Jim laying down a wicked vocal track this is yet another song that :rock: !

Machine gun sounding palm mutes in the intro give this song a really heavy and wicked feel, with Maidenman grooving on the drums! Listen to the pre solo break and tell you aren't listening to Iron Maiden!!?


This is the start of the I.M.G. epic's era! Recorded in October 2000 and featuring Maidenman on drums, Constantine on bass, Ironcross and Adde on guitar and vocals from 7th Son and Jim this song has epic written all over it!

I was really impressed with Constantine's bass track on this and the middle section before the solo's is awesome! :eek: Also check out the solo's!!! Another classic I.M.G. moment! :rock:


The second song from October 2000 featuring Maidenman on drumming duty, Constantine on bass, Ironcross and Adde on guitar and an excellent vocal track from 7th son!

A fitting way to end Part 1 of this series, this song has all the raw energy of the original with excellent performances all round!

Well! That's the end of "The History Of The I.M.G. 2000 Part 1", I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Um....I didn't play on "Can I play with Madness". I've only played on Women in uniform, #of the beast, Wasting love, Chemical Wedding, and one version of I've got the fire. Someone else gets the credit for Madness. Oh, yeah, and I did a version of Ac-dc's Long way to the top with someone outside the IMG that uploaded somewhere for everyone to hear a while back. :)
Virus, I have chills up and down my spine. First off thanks for the kind words.:cool:

Our message board seems to be heating up, which leads me to believe the tracks will slowly begin to start.:rock:

I have to say that the past 2 years have been a real thrill for me. Being able to share my bass tracks along with a group of talented musicians like yourselves has been a pleasure.

I wish one day I would be able to meet you all, but till that day, lets Rock and Roll.............
:wave: :wave: :wave:

Wow Virus, that ROCKS! :rock:

Damn, thanks for writing that up, and I'm definitely gonna include that in the website!

Oh, and DAMMIT give yourself due credit and remove the word "dodgy" from your own description! ;) Your playing has always been superb and you deserve your proper credit! If
you're too damn modest ;), I'll write that part for you! :cool: You know damn well that the whole IMG thing couldn't have happened without your hard work and talents so START ACTING LIKE IT!!! ;)

Triple Cheers! :rock:

--->Steve (EC)
I'm glad to hear you guys liked it! :D

EC - Thanks for the kind words! Excellent that you will put it on the website, I'm flattered! :) I'm too modest so you'll have to take the "Dodgy" out of my description! :lol: As for my hard work and talents making the I.M.G. happen, I have to disagree with you on that one ;) I only had the idea you guys have done all the work and kept it alive! You all rock! :rock: :spin:
Hey fellers, this was some nice reading!! Haven't been around for a while, but this was certainly a wonderful reminder of the good old days!! :)

I hope you guys are all doing ok, and I will try to be around a bit more from now on, just checking things out, listening to your stuff etc. You're all great!

Nice Virus. Can't wait for part 2.

I'll try to find out who it was that played the other guitar part on Hyde did not join our group until after even I came along...and Madness was done long before I joined. I thought it was Pyuras who did the other guitar part...or maybe GOTN.
Originally posted by rabies
Nice Virus. Can't wait for part 2.

I'll try to find out who it was that played the other guitar part on Hyde did not join our group until after even I came along...and Madness was done long before I joined. I thought it was Pyuras who did the other guitar part...or maybe GOTN.

I'm leaning towards GOTN, but I really don't recall for certain who played the other guitar.... :confused:
Heya EC!
I'm doing just fine mate, thx for asking :)
Haven't been up to much though, just the regular ordeal... working, sleeping, etc.. Now I have a summer vacation which is quite nice, and I will hopefully begin studying "media and communications" at the university here, sometime this august.

I'm not sure why I haven't been around for so long... guess I just fell out of the loop, hehe... Anyways it's good to see that you guys are still alive, let me know how you are doing over there!

I confirmed. It was Pyuras who played guitar #2 on Can I play with Madness. He (she?) was quite a prolific recorder back in the day. Whatever happened to him?
Originally posted by Nefilim
Heya EC!
I'm doing just fine mate, thx for asking :)
Haven't been up to much though, just the regular ordeal... working, sleeping, etc.. Now I have a summer vacation which is quite nice, and I will hopefully begin studying "media and communications" at the university here, sometime this august.

I'm not sure why I haven't been around for so long... guess I just fell out of the loop, hehe... Anyways it's good to see that you guys are still alive, let me know how you are doing over there!


Glad to hear that you're doing well Nef! :)

Yea, we are all distracted with work, etc...just part of life I guess, but try not to let it consume you! I've been busy working on the house and some family stuff, but I still want to be sure to devote time to music and the other stuff I enjoy! :)

Hope you continue to check in when you can; you're one of the IMG's original members, and I hope you're able to stick around and maybe even do a recording or two... :grin:
Originally posted by rabies
I confirmed. It was Pyuras who played guitar #2 on Can I play with Madness. He (she?) was quite a prolific recorder back in the day. Whatever happened to him?

After disappearing for awhile, Pyuras did drop in a few months ago, said "hello" and disappeared again...:confused:

He did some very tasty guitar tracks with us, and I do hope he finds the time to return... :cool:
Originally posted by Nefilim
Heya EC!
I'm doing just fine mate, thx for asking :)
Haven't been up to much though, just the regular ordeal... working, sleeping, etc.. Now I have a summer vacation which is quite nice, and I will hopefully begin studying "media and communications" at the university here, sometime this august.

I'm not sure why I haven't been around for so long... guess I just fell out of the loop, hehe... Anyways it's good to see that you guys are still alive, let me know how you are doing over there!


Nef!! I didn't see you sneak in! :) Glad to hear from you mate! :) I second what EC said, hope you can stick around and lay down some new tracks! :)
Originally posted by Eddies cellmate

After disappearing for awhile, Pyuras did drop in a few months ago, said "hello" and disappeared again...:confused:

He did some very tasty guitar tracks with us, and I do hope he finds the time to return... :cool: are thinking about GOTN. He dissappeared for awhile and dropped in a few months back...and helped me tab out Murders. You got the two of them confused for sure. :lol:
Originally posted by rabies are thinking about GOTN. He dissappeared for awhile and dropped in a few months back...and helped me tab out Murders. You got the two of them confused for sure. :lol:

Nope, they both dropped in, then back out. If I recall correctly, Pyuras only made one quick post, then was gone again. Although, it might have been longer than a few months ago. :confused: