addictive drums, superior 2.0, slate samples

Feb 8, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
ok, i'm really wanting to start recording my own band. own a firepod and a digi002, and some mics (sm57, sm7b, nt5). either way, neither hardware device have enough inputs to record a 7 piece piece drum set. so i'm thinking about getting an alesis dm5 with triggers, so i can record the cymbals naturally but all the drums would be triggered and recorded through midi into either cubase or protools. that way i'd just need overhead mics, 2 guitar tracks and bass all recorded simultaneously. i would also have a few tracks left over if i wanted to mic up the snare too:

1. so, in your opinion, which program has better drum sounds? addictive or superior 2.0? i have the sneap samples as well as a few other free ones, so i could use those too. i have thought about purchasing the slate samples as well which brings another question.

2. would either program be easier to use if i purchased the slate samples to use with them? i know there are room samples for each drum, so i'm not really sure how that works.

also since the set is a 7 piece, i may end up having to make my own samples of the toms since the sizes are 10,12,13, and 16 inch (not sure how many samples are of these sizes). any advise would be appreciated!:rock:
I have never used Addictive Drums but i like most of the drums on Superior 2. What I would do though is sample all of his drums and then blend them in or use them completely with Superior 2 or Addictive Drums (whichever you decide to use) that way it sounds close to your drummers real set.
Ive used superior 2.0 with a alesis dm5 and ran it midi to my digi002. Then i just miced the overheads, hats and ride. It is actually pretty neat to do this!
Another route for all the money it would cost to buy a dm5, dfhs 2.0 and triggers you could swing a decent drum mic pack a behringer ada8000 and also a sm pro 4 mic preamp and have 16 mic pres on the digi002.
i'm REALLY hesitant to purchase anything behringer ever again after my $250 keyboard amplifier started literally smoking out the back after 1 month of use. piece of fucking crap!

i've priced out that if i get a dm5 (comes with 5 triggers), snake for the triggers, headphone amp, mics. cables, and AD it's a little over $620.

now i could spend $250 on a shure 4 drum mic package, $200 on the ada8000, $80 on the smpro 4 channel preamps, $50 on the headphone amplifier, and lets say $40 on four more 10ft mic cables plus an adat cable. it does come out to about the same price for all i need, but i'd be recording a good drum set in a pretty good room with ok mics, cheap preamps and cheap converters. i just figure if i am going to go the "all micing route" it may not even be worth it unless i am using great mics in a great room with great pres and converters.

plus, i think trigger set-up would be pretty much ideal if i'm to record other bands as well. more often than not, i'm recording not so good drummers with terrible sounding kits in not so great rooms. the midi files would just let me totally shape their drum sound any way possible, choosing different drums and fixing bad fills by moving midi notes.
i just figure if i am going to go the "all micing route" it may not even be worth it unless i am using great mics in a great room with great pres and converters.

gotta disagree with you on this one

i've gotten pretty good results using a firepod, in a not so great sounding room; using a d6 for the kick, 57 for the snare, e604's on the rack toms, an i5 on the floor tom, and two mxl603s's for overheads

i had to put some time and work into getting things sounding good, but it's certainly not a lost could pick up a decent set of mics for not much more than the setup you're talking about would cost, which might be a better investment in the long run

if you watch closely, you can find good deals on mics too...musicians friend, guitar center, and music123 are all offering some pretty nice 15-20% off deals on stuff lately due to the economy slacking off; i just picked up an audix d6 and three adx90's for $340 shipped...that setup would usually run for around $450

downside there tho, is that you would use all of the firepod's inputs on the drums and wouldn't have any for the rest of the band...for what you're wanting to do the setup you have in mind may make more sense for the time being, but i wouldn't totally rule out the idea of miking up the drums

but my point is...if you can get your hands on some at least decent gear; then your recording skills are gonna determine the outcome a lot moreso than what gear you're using...having pres, converters, room, etc. will help but not having isn't a total roadblock if you know what you're doing to a reasonable degree
d6's are great mics, but since the kit has two kick drums, if i got the d6 package you were talking about plus one more d6 for the other kick plus one more tom mic, i'm at $620 for mics alone! now i have to purchase a multiple mic pre interface that has an adat output connection, which are not cheap unless i get a behringer :Puke:

or i spend $370 on a dm5 with 5 triggers (can borrow more from a friend) and get addictive drums for $130 (on sale at musicians friend dot com). besides, i'm probably going to replace the kick drums anyways so may as well record with triggers in midi and not eat up my precious mic inputs.:heh: if i trigger the 7 piece kit in midi, i can mic two overheads, two guitar tracks and bass, i still have 3 inputs left and my band can all record at once, so i could mic the snare and maybe some room mics.

thanks for all you guys suggestions, but my main question is which software do most of you guys think would work best in this scenario, superior or addictive?
i understand the situation that you're in, just pointing out that getting a good drum sound using real mics is feasible

in my personal experienced it worked much better than using a dm5 did...but i didn't put much time into using the dm5 and this was a few years ago when drum sample software wasn't what it was today
yeah, this would be so much easier if i didn't have to record two kick drums. then i would have an even 8 tracks can use for drums! maybe i should just tell the drummer to buy a double bass pedal?:rolleyes:
with our new 2.5 midi player, I think you may find using our collection with another drum software such as superior 2 unnecessary. Our 40 preset kits, NRG Room samples, easy access tweak options, multiple keymaps, huge 2 inch recorded cymbals pack, 39 snares, 29 kicks, 8 sets of toms, 12 modeled kits, should do the trick all by itself.

with our new 2.5 midi player, I think you may find using our collection with another drum software such as superior 2 unnecessary. Our 40 preset kits, NRG Room samples, easy access tweak options, multiple keymaps, huge 2 inch recorded cymbals pack, 39 snares, 29 kicks, 8 sets of toms, 12 modeled kits, should do the trick all by itself

Awesome ;-)
with our new 2.5 midi player, I think you may find using our collection with another drum software such as superior 2 unnecessary.

That's not really true though is it... I mean, you're using some form of Kontakt by the looks of it... so you're still using software, just not software specifically tailored to drums.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that screenshot looks like Kontakt to me.
I think you may find using our collection with another drum software such as superior 2 unnecessary.

Slate means that there's no need to use their samples with and extra software now, because they will provide the full package of samples + software, plus the library will be really complete. Before they just sold samples so you needed and extra soft like drumagog or a VST to control the samples and to have extra sounds.
get the triggers, use superior 2 and replace with slate drums

my two cents ;)


I can't remember the name of the band but I was working at Bloodstock on the 2nd stage last year and we did a music vid on the stage after the bands had finished.The singer gave me their CD which Mr Sneap had mixed and they just sent him the drums as a midi file ans andy apparently just used his awesome samples. Sounded great, I couldn't even tell. Not sure if the cymbals were real....Forgot to ask :cry:
with our new 2.5 midi player, I think you may find using our collection with another drum software such as superior 2 unnecessary. Our 40 preset kits, NRG Room samples, easy access tweak options, multiple keymaps, huge 2 inch recorded cymbals pack, 39 snares, 29 kicks, 8 sets of toms, 12 modeled kits, should do the trick all by itself.

looks nice, surely it will be in rtas format?