DFH original vs Superior 2.0 vs Slate?

I find it odd that the common opinion seems to be that the S2.0 cymbals are inferior to the DFHS stuff? If you say that's because of the tweaking you'd have to invest I still don't understand why they'd release crappier sounds as an intended upgrade to the more outdated DFHS?

As for the Slate cymbals (I only own 2.0 so I can't talk about the 3.0 release), I couldn't get them to work for metal, too washy and undefined but I guess they'll work for softer material.
All the Slate kicks/snares I've heard have sounded too harsh/thin for my tastes; I much prefer fat cracky snare and "splatty" (rather than clicky) kicks...

I don't think you've heard very much of the Slate stuff then. I've had my own complaints about the Slate stuff (which I've expressed very openly lol), but I don't think I'd describe any kick or snare on there as thin or harsh. There's really only one clicky kick, the Black kick. Every other kick is more natural and all of them have a ton of sub bass, (I usually have to cut a lot of it out with high passing on most of them for metal). There's lots of the fatter boingy kind of snares too, although I'm not a big fan of that kind of snare sound in general.

Not sure how I feel about the cymbals though.... sometimes I like them, and sometimes not so much...
Well, I might as well add my 2 cents, but keep in mind that I'm a bit biased.

We have a few clicky metal kicks.. kick5, black kick, panty kick, kick15... You can hear many of these on a lot of metal mixes from Colin Richardson, King Sneap himself, etc.. Kick5 has become the industry standard metal kick within a lot of the Los Angeles mixing circles.. but you do have to tailor the low end to the tempo.. the quicker the mix, the more lows that need to be attenuated. But the tope end smack and click on kick5 works for metal.

Cymbals.. our new Paiste cymbal pack has some very lush and harmonically rich cymbals that go nicely with the Zildjian/Sabian pack in 2.0.. keep in mind our cymbals were recorded to 2 inch.. for metal they work great, but you have to eq them for metal... metal cymbals have more bite and top end.. a little 5khz goes a long way. I'll also add some 10khz sparkle on the cymbals to cut better in a metal mix.

As for the actual drum tones, I hope we have enough mp3 demos on the site to let them speak for themselves.. I made sure that 3.0 now has any kind of drum sound you can imagine... from tight and cracky, to low and splatty, to deep and woody, and everything in between.

For metal toms, I like our Metal Tom set and the Qik Tom set sounds huge, but for metal just add some 5khz bite.

As for how we compare to Superior 2.0, I'd say you should wait for Superior to come out with at least 3 more expansion packs so its a more fair comparison. But to my ears (and I've only heard the Superior online demos), its a great product that is done very differently then ours. The sounds are very raw which is not a bad thing, its just different then our approach, which is to have drums that sound "done".. I will say that one thing that struck me about Superiors snares is that they are all tuned very similarly.. In SSD 3.0 I can say for sure that there is a huge variety of snare sounds and tunings.

BTW, we do have more cymbals coming in an update later this spring, I'll make sure to include a few that have some nice "in your face" metal processing.

Last, I have a lot of new demos I'll post of SSD3.0 in full on metal mixes.. I think it'll give you a much better idea of its capabilities, at least better then my words will.
I like the S2.0 cymbals over the DFHS ones. The 3 pairs of room mics and the bullet mic give you a lot to play with.
Really loving SSD 3.0 here, the kicks, snares, and toms are unequaled anywhere else, zero processing required. The cymbals included are (mostly) great, I think the main issue is that I like having LOTS of cymbal options, especially chinas, spocks, fucking boat propellers, anything that sounds really evil and raspy like the cymbals on Meshuggah and Strapping Young Lad albums! If Steven added more of those kinds of cymbals, then there'd be no reason to own any other drum library IMO.

I'm currently building a new virtual kit using SSD 3.0 plus DFH 1.0 cymbals, and loving it, as Maxwell Smart says.
If any of you are actual drummers who can mention some cymbals you dig, let me know.. we do need a few more BIG cymbals.. although we have two 18" ones in the Paiste pack..

But another thing you guys can do it point me to a song where you love the hi hat or love the china, crash, etc.. and I'll make it happen as close sounding to the original as possible..
If any of you are actual drummers who can mention some cymbals you dig, let me know.. we do need a few more BIG cymbals.. although we have two 18" ones in the Paiste pack..

But another thing you guys can do it point me to a song where you love the hi hat or love the china, crash, etc.. and I'll make it happen as close sounding to the original as possible..

Sabian HHX 20" Evolution Ride (yes ride). Use it as a crash. It has an astounding bell and a HUGE harmonically rich wash. ) I own it.

Sabian HHXtreme 19" Crash- also sounds raw and beastly.

Some Meinl Byzance large crashes. Go for em.

Zildjian Z custom Mega Bell 21", Paiste 22" 2002 Power Bell Ride, Paiste 2002 SoundEdge Hi-Hats, Paiste 20" Signature Heavy China and other Paistes like Signature Power Crash/Signature Full Crash, Dimensions Medium Thin.