DFH Superior vs Superior 2.0

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
I got an opportunity to get DFH Superior by my local dealer. They said they had an old copy lying around and that I could get it if I wanted to. This would be great since I really need to get some better crashes and snares/toms (Those of you who have heard my stuff probably agree :lol:), and I can't afford Superior 2.0, atleast not for a while.

I would definintly like getting 2.0 better, but as I mentioned, it's too pricy for me atm. So, should I get it or just wait a while and save for 2.0 and stop being so damn impulsive?

I really dig alot of the stuff I've heard with DFH, some of it more than 2.0!

What say yee?
Get it while you can. Later when you have money, you can always upgrade to 2.0 while still keeping all the 1.0 sounds.
DFHS and S2.0 are slightly different animals. S2 is pre-processed (not as much as EZdrummer, but....) while DFHS isn't. I prefer the room sounds on S2 but the raw close-mic samples on DFHS. I prefer Custom & Vintage over either.
All the reviews I've read have suggested that Superior 2.0's selection of drums is more limited than that in DHFS, and that all the cymbals are Sabian this time around. Is that true, and if so, is it a problem? I also read that you can't mix and match version 1 samples with the version 2 samples, which would be quite unfortunate. I have DFHS already and haven't yet seen anything convincing me that upgrading is worthwhile.
Sabian > Zildjian

And I'm pretty sure I read that you can use other ToonTrack libraries with the 2.0 engine, i.e. using DFHS/EZD/etc. inside 2.0. But please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong on that.
