addictive/most catchy amon amarth songs


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2006
lately, im so fucking addicted to versus the world, that song is so fucking powerful and melodic!!, i love this song so much

more catchy songs also include, pursuit of the vikings, across the rainbow bridge, master of war, and death in fire

how about you? which songs do you find most addictive/catchy:headbang: :kickass:
Almost every single AA song has at least one catchy as hell riff that I could listen to all day. Even songs like Arrival of the Fimbul Winter and Burning Creation, which are more straight death metal, has some awesome riffs.
:kickass: i just thought of another one, the beheading of a king has the coolest intro lol, its so badass! i love that drumming in the beginning
Victorious March, Without Fear, Friends Of The Suncross, Last With Pagan Blood, Dragon's Flight Across The Waves, Burning Creation....Fuck i could go on and on, but i need to get to work and earn my $$ so i can get to Europe to actually see these cunts live!! \m/
Talking about addictive Amon Amarth songs...

The undisputable number ONE is:

:worship: :worship: :worship: Down The Slopes Of Death!!!

Other mesmerizing favourites with a catchy strength:

Death In Fire

Versus The World

Where Death Seems To Dwell

The Fate Of Norns


North Sea Storm

Victorious March

...and many more!!!
Godsledge said:
Talking about addictive Amon Amarth songs...

The undisputable number ONE is:

:worship: :worship: :worship: Down The Slopes Of Death!!!

Other mesmerizing favourites with a catchy strength:

Death In Fire

Versus The World

Where Death Seems To Dwell

The Fate Of Norns


North Sea Storm

Victorious March

...and many more!!!

Argh i wanted to say exactly the same -.-
Almost anything because so many of their songs just get going almost right away and the drums are going who wouldn't get all pumped up. But ya down the slopes of dead, vs the world and death in fire would be the most addicting. Also when you read their lyrics especially a song about going into war its gets you going and makes you want to listen to it over and over
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard!!! Thats far and away my favorite. I could listen to that song ALL DAY. A close second would have to be Across the Rainbow Bridge.
The last with pagan blood

The Melody sounds a little bit merry, a very good drinking song. :worship:

and most catchy? I think "1000 years of oppression", "Fall through Ginnungagap" and "Victorious march" are such songs. Everytime i hear them i get Gooseflesh. :heh:

Man, what a lousy english today...:Smug:
the best most catchy song of all "the beheading of a king"

yes their songs are quite addicting but its so oahrd to single out the best as many of you have said. Death in fire is a obvious ..seeing how every knows it already.

Bleed for ancient gods
And i cant help but thenk that "across the rainbow bridge" has a X-men theme like sound to it... is it jsut me or do other people hear that as well?
Once Sealed in blood
Once sent from the golden hall
god, his son and holy whore
friends of the suncross
Xyercies said:
the best most catchy song of all "the beheading of a king"

yes their songs are quite addicting but its so oahrd to single out the best as many of you have said. Death in fire is a obvious ..seeing how every knows it already.

Bleed for ancient gods
And i cant help but thenk that "across the rainbow bridge" has a X-men theme like sound to it... is it jsut me or do other people hear that as well?
Once Sealed in blood
Once sent from the golden hall
god, his son and holy whore
friends of the suncross

bloodshed is fucking badass, i love the chorus, its so god damn powerful!:headbang:
I think that the most catchy songs are Death in Fire and In Pursuit of Viking. A 1000 years of opression is so melodic that I cannot skip a day without listening to it.
I can't stop listen to The crusher, I love the whole album. Well, exept for "The fall throgh Ginnungagap".
I don't know why I don't like that song, I just don't.
To tell you the truth, I actually disliked the crusher for the longest time, but now i cant stop listening to it. The ending to Releasing Surturs Fire OWNS me...