Amon Amarth @ Bosuil, Weert, Netherlands


Friend of the Suncross
Jul 20, 2005
Yeah so I was there last night.

Impious and Cataract were fucking awesome. Some technical problems arose unfortunately, but they were quickly dealt with.

The concert started at 3:30 pm with Impious, who played for about 40 minutes, then after a soundcheck, at 4:30 Cataract started. Both kicked supreme ass.

After what seemed like a very long and extensive soundcheck, at 5:30 fog filled the entire stage, ominous music started playing, enter Amon Amarth. The list-o-songs played (not in order because my memory's too poor for that :P)

Once Sent From The Golden Hall (not sure about this one)
Pursuit Of Vikings
Masters Of War
The Last With Pagan Blood
Versus The World
An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm
Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
Releasing Surtur's Fire
Ride For Vengeance
Death In Fire
Victorious March
North Sea Storm
Thousand Years Of Oppression
Fate Of Norns
Once Sealed In Blood
Bastards Of A Lying Breed
For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
Bleed For Ancient Gods

It was a very, very excellent concert indeed. Thank you, Impious, Cataract, and above all Amon Amarth, for the excellent afternoon and evening. I picked up two shirts (Thor's Hammer with Amon Amarth written across it, and Viking on the lower back, and another shirt with Amon Amarth written with Runic symbols below it, and Bärsärk written on the lower back).
yeah dude the concert was really amazing.. my first concert ever and one i won't forget..

I'd heard some of impious' music before and i really liked it, and they really kicked ass!
then cataract, heard from my friend who was there that they were really good, i'd only heard nothing's left before and i really liked the whole list...

then as l33ch said... the fog filled the stage (actually at 17:45 but doesn't really matter) and after like 2 minutes of shouting and waiting they come on stage... they started with an ancient sign of comming storm which i thought was a great start... i think my favorite song was porbably thousand years of oppresion.. it totally blew me away... then their last song, death in fire, stopped at axactly 19:30... so they played 1 hour and 45 mins... every minute of it ws amazing!

then after the show we went round back and there they all were... got their autographs and shoook their hands.. had a little talk and tried to buy johans horn hehe but he wouldn't sell it, it was a gift at wacken and used it as a stageprop ever since.. then got a cool picture with johan holding up his horn with me next to it.....

really appreciate them just signing some stuff for us, take some pictures, have a chat... a afternoon (started at 3:30 as l33ch said) i wont forget anytime soon, maybe after the next amon amarth concert next year in holland, i'll ahve a fresher and if i can possibly get any better memory in my head
Man, why didn't I think of that, going round back? I wish I could've gotten their autographs and whatnot >_>

It was also pretty awesome that at the end, when I was waiting to get my Amon Amarth Bärsärk shirt, the Impious guys were just sitting by the table there.

These guys are so down to earth, not arrogant at all, it's amazing, and very awesome!
yeah the impious guys were in a van back there aswell... great people... all of them.. amon amarth aswell. cant wait for their dvd to come out.. they were really excited about it aswell... especially they pyro.. haha they like that shit
if anyone has any pictures of the concert at bosuil- weert please send the link or something.. i'd love to see them... i made some with my phone, i have them in my msn spaces if anyone wants to see them....