Most Under-rated Amon Amarth song....


Jul 6, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
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What do you's think is the most underrated Amon Amarth song? That no one talks about or mentions? Personally i think The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves is way to under-rated for being such a fucking killer song. And also As Long As The Raven Flies....
I agree with you on The Dragon's Flight Across the Waves, it's not usually the one being talked about, but it's badass
Ummm well everyone mentions arson. I would have to say earlier shit like North Sea Storm is fucking godly! Burning Creation, Without Fear, Abandoned! Shit all there older shit! you new people ReALLY have to fucking hear these albums OVER and over again because they are AA's Finest!
I would agree with PaganBlood, most earlier songs are underrated. I'm thinking of killer songs like Avenger, Annihilation Of Hammerfest and yeah, North Sea Storm.
I love the raw atmosphere of these albums, much more brutal than most new death metal releases.
same for me, OSFTGH and the Avenger are the best albums until know. North Sea Storm, the Avenger and certainly dont forget to mention Without fear and ofcourse the mighty Victorious March. And Sorrow throughout the nine worlds (the whole cd)..
genaatloos said:
same for me, OSFTGH and the Avenger are the best albums until know. North Sea Storm, the Avenger and certainly dont forget to mention Without fear and ofcourse the mighty Victorious March. And Sorrow throughout the nine worlds (the whole cd)..

Victorious march and Without fear are imo not underated, but i agree that The Avenger is one of their best! Dont forget the crusher!
the song once sent from the golden hall...
also the mighty doors of the spearg

maybe "..and the world will ceased to be"
but i think the versus the world album is rather underrated
Knarfi has the right of it. I love Where Silent Gods Stand Guard. That is my favorite AA song. The imagery I get from that song damn near sends my into a berserker frenzy.
Belgar said:
I think pretty much all the songs of OSFTGH are under-rated, the song Amon Amarth for example is majestic and should be played live more often.

I hated that song until I saw it on their DVD. The solo at the end is just..:headbang: ..

I dislike, however, how the solo at the end fades out really soon on the OSFTGH album
AmonAmarth said:
I would have to say Arson. I think it's alot better than people give it credit for.
you know for some reason i dont consider it a song,more like a story with music
well anyone whos been on this forum for atleast 3+years or so know that im gonna come on hear and start a rant about "A fury divine"

simply enough all i need to say though is that noone has mentioned this song on the 14 posts in this thread... what more can i say about underrated?

also see:
-north sea storm
-bastards of a lying breed
I never hear anyone talk about Risen from the Sea. That song rapes.

Annihilation of Hammerfest and also the Fall Through Ginnungagap I think are pretty underrated as well.
haha DemonsAndLies i was going to name A Fury Divine as an under rated song, the shere power of his growl screaming "DEATH! SWEET DEATH! RELEASE ME...FROM THIS WORLD!" is fucking intense!!! But i figured i had already named 2, otherwise it might seem as if all AA is under-rated hah.
"down the slopes of death" is pretty underrated to me

the intro - oh yeah! as good riffs as in "fate of norns"
the bass - hell! fucking! yeah! i love bass :]
the growls - "Down the slopes of death he rides. The eight hooves pound like drums. Darkness reigns the crumbling sky. No more is the sun" - yeehaw!
the drums - awesome
the guitars - nice riffs, though not AA's best ;)

but noone really talks about this great song + its not on the DVD
I reckon after watching the video on google, the live in Springfield dvd i would have to also say that Legend Of A Banished Man is rarely heard of, i was really suprised to see them play that live as it wasn't on the dvd or nothing. Very under-rated song!