Adding more low end punch to the kick


Feb 20, 2011

Check this out - this tip can help you add some punch to your kick using a simple eq and harmonic enhancement plugin. Let me know how this helps you in your mixes.
Great vid, short and to the point. You can use this same concept for a snare with more pop but instead of adding low end, you compress with a fast attack where the initial transient comes through and gate the rest. Mix it in slightly and you instant pop
I love it. Sometimes you might even add a transient designer to cut sustain, and boost attack. Careful though, sometimes using transient designers in parallel causes phasing.
Thanks for sharing! Just wondered, can you explain why the new track doesn't cause phase issues with the original kick? But with a transient designer it does?
What i dont get is why you use REQ/Rbass as Stereo - have you mic'ed it in and out?

I've been always using my Kick Bus as mono, even if i'm having in and out mics - am i totally wrong here?
Are you using Reaper? From my understanding, Reaper works different than other DAWs in this sense.
I'm using Cubase.

Lets say i have Kick Sample 1 (Mono), Kick Sample 2 (Mono),.., i'll group them to a Mono Bus and the plug ins on there are mono too.
Should i make the Group stereo? I thought it should be mono because its not really a stereo source.

No, keep it mono.

Unless, of course, you're going for some weird type of panning stereo effect.
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