Question about super low end on mastering

autumn vessels

Big Tuna
Feb 20, 2012

I noticed a quite difference in super low end between my sound and the sound of professionals like Mr Sneap and the others good ones

Here is a shots of my final mastering and the mastering of the Periphery (for example)

My mix:


This is a 40 Hz resolution and it shows the difference below 30 Hz frequency

Actually I tried Waves Lo Air plugin and it added some low end to these frequences (as I saw on analyzer)... But....

I changed a resoluton of analyzer to 10 Hz..

And it shows the main difference I hear..

Professional mastered tracks sound with very fat but crystal clear super low end. Very low but very flat
The main low punch located around 35-40 Hz without effective information below 30 Hz
It sounds like someone artificially made this by shifting the low punch there..

But I can't reach this... Even if I use mastering sidechain compression on super low it only adds a boom on lows, that is unlike the professional mixes...

My low punch is 50-60 Hz.. Using some saturation I got frequences near 35-40 , but it wasn't what I'm searching for, because the punch still was at 50 Hz...

Then I returned to tracking and tried to turn off the low cut filters on bass, kick drum and parallel compression of bass and kick. But no..Still wrong result.

Sidechain compression instead low cut can't take what I need too

The punch still is 50-60 Hz

That's why I think it's not a problem or instuments and tracking.

Seems this is mastering "Know How"

But how ???

Would Mr Sneap or someone tell me about this secret ?...I so much need it...

Rbass is an amp and rig simulator

I have live amp and guitar tracks

And I'm searching the way to reach that fat, flat and crystal clear super low punch (around 30-40 Hz) in mastermix like the professional metal works.

I think Mr Sneap undrstand what I'm searching for...
it's a very good plugin but it isn't a solution. I still can't reach that low end tone on mastering...

Is there any secret ?

Because it don't depends of band tuning...

Protest the Hero or Meshuggah - both had the same low end tone... Seems all of professionals bands had almost the same low end.

HOW ???

What is the secret ?
Follow these steps:
1- Low tuned bass -> Bass amp recorded with a mic that has supper low end, like Royer 121.
2- Biggest bass drum possible -> "Tunnel" of shells -> Yamaha SKRM-100 SubKick. + drum mics.

And remember that every instrument has its fundamental note. So if bass is at 50 HZ, tune that bitch lower, otherwise the only content you will get is sub bass noise.

But, as you already have your tunes, I think is almost impossible to create new content. If you recorded a bass drum that has its punch at 40 hz, it has. there is almost nothing you can do with this.
You could try subdrops too, but Sneap (me and others too) thinks they are gay.


(Meshuggah uses 8 strings guitars)
Seems I already got it...

I have 8 string baritone and F# tune too )
And a five string long scale bass too))

bass drum is Superior Drummer with subkick

Thanx, I'll try it.

Does anyone knows about mastering this ?
Seems I already got it...

I have 8 string baritone and F# tune too )
And a five string long scale bass too))

bass drum is Superior Drummer with subkick

The problem is not only the scale. It's the way it was recorded. Genraly you will need an bass amp to push that lows, and great micing.
And superior's kits don't let you process that sub mic alone, unfortunately.
I think the solution here is to use subdrops, like punkrockacademyfightsong said.
Search for Bass Subdrop here.

Although there are 2 fundamental problems with the subbass frequencies:
1- it adds mud to all of your other tracks, due phase.
2- I never saw an instrument have its fundamental notes @ 40hz down, but I think you can achive this with subdrops. (you have to compress the sub frequencies content 'shit out of your parents' to control it, though).
try to hear and mix the sub-low end on a good pair of cans. I can't for the life of mine do my sub's good on my monitors and have to rely on my cans