Bass : to make it tight but big

Linear phase hpf's can be pretty useful on low end stuff, particularly if it's part of a blend - Bass DI/mic, kick in/out etc.

Minimum phase eqs/ hpf's will give you non-linear phase deviation relative to the order of the filter cutoff - lower order less, higher order more. This might be desirable. Usually it's not.

Use minimum phase eq's for narrow cutting and boosting. L.P. eq's suffer from pre-echo if you get too narrow. Think of a woompy sound before the filter turnover frequency to aurally picture this.

Just one thing to consider.
I still dont get how you could want a kick and bass guitar to work in the mix.
And then put a kickmic infront of you basscab.
Its asking for trouble and alot of post recording eqing no?

I tried d6 on bass though, did exactly what i thought, to many highs, to many lows, and no cool mids that you really need in a mix from bass.
It's an entirely different source so I don't see any inherent conflict.
Regarding the D6, it's probably too scooped to work well on bass consistently however the D112 works nicely (which I hate on kick, go figure).
What kind of Mic do you suggest sir??
In my signature you can see all I have

I'd say try the 57, Sm7, and the AKG. Multi Micing ftw. Put 'em all on a different speaker on different parts of the speaker. Hell, you might even want to mic the tweeter, just to see how it sounds with the rest. Tema 8.mp3

I don't know if you guys will like the bass tone on this, but I love it!
(song is still in progress...)

Yamaha RBX JM2 bass into a Hartke 4000 with 4x10 + 1x15 Hartke VX series.
4x10 cone was mic'd with a single SM57, on axis.
1x15 cone was mic'd with an AKG D112
Also, reamped with a OCD pedal (TS) into Crate BV120HB into Bogner Ubercab (v30, SM57, off axis)

Processing was simple:

4x10: Sounded very clear, bright and full, as expected (main track), so just some surgical eq to fit the mix. Nothing fancy
1x15: Duller, muddier. I left it pretty high on the mix, but slightly lower than first, mid-scooped and low-boosted.
Distorted: HP-LP only.
Bass buss: Compression, 4:1, 10ms attack, 0.6s release
Melodyne it if possible.

I totally agreed. but...

How do you guys deal with the tuning concept when having f.e 3 tracks to deal with..?

Obviously tuning those tracks individually will lead into a chorusy/phasey shit.. I have great song/track with DI, D6 and 57 but wouldn't care / don't have the option to reamp after tuning the DI.. Tema 8.mp3

I don't know if you guys will like the bass tone on this, but I love it!
(song is still in progress...)

Yamaha RBX JM2 bass into a Hartke 4000 with 4x10 + 1x15 Hartke VX series.
4x10 cone was mic'd with a single SM57, on axis.
1x15 cone was mic'd with an AKG D112
Also, reamped with a OCD pedal (TS) into Crate BV120HB into Bogner Ubercab (v30, SM57, off axis)

Processing was simple:

4x10: Sounded very clear, bright and full, as expected (main track), so just some surgical eq to fit the mix. Nothing fancy
1x15: Duller, muddier. I left it pretty high on the mix, but slightly lower than first, mid-scooped and low-boosted.
Distorted: HP-LP only.
Bass buss: Compression, 4:1, 10ms attack, 0.6s release

great separartion, i can hear the bass even the guitars sound HUGE!

also, the snare is so tasty!
Tiens, j'avais pas fait gaffe que tu était également sur ce forum.

What I do really often, is to send kick signal flow in keychain of the bass comp track.
At this time you have the transcient of the kick wich is lowering the bass.
Settings depends of what you need, but it works fine with fast attack/release.
Try it with a DBX 160 series and you have got a swiss knive.

It's used really often, specially on funk.

Other things I use is to put a mutliband comp on a kick/bass tom bus.
From years of trying different bass techniques (DI + Mic, bass DI + amp DI + mic, bass DI duplicated with different plug-ins over different frequency bands, etc) I finally achieved a bass tone I loved, using a very slight bit of DI from the amp (heavily, heavily compressed) for extra attack, and a 421 on the cab. I barely touch the EQ on the 421 and don't compress at all. You'll find, 9 times out of 10, by the time the signal has gone through all the guitar, amp and FX processing, the sound coming out of the cab will be pretty damn compressed. And if you know how to find a good tone out of the amp, chuck a 421 in front and you will barely need to touch it!

Have constantly been getting nice bass tones that I have been very happy with recently - love it!