Adios Amigos! \m/


I will be taking a break from this place, but I will be back soon, I hope...
Anyway I was gonna write a short post on the Gigantour on 9.11, but I split after Nevermore(the only reason I made it!), so I lifted a full review from my bro
Orygun Rivethead from the Sludge forum, since he did stay for the entire gig!
Enjoy! I will do a write up on the Nevermore set! No interview! The Manager Beau King never returned my calls! Hawk if you get a chance to meet the band when they head to Europe in a week, let 'em know that it was a brillinat idea to only sign discs for the kids only after they pay $20.00 for a disc!!!! Ah, enough bitchin' here's the review by Orygun Rivethead! \m/

After mulling it over, I decided at the last minute to go to the final Gigantour show at the Clark County Ampitheater in Ridgefield, WA.
I went basically because I honestly don't know when Anthrax is going to be heading back this way, so I figured this would be
my chance to mosh it up to the sounds of the "reunited" 'Thrax, plus I love me some Nevermore.

The show started at 3pm, I didn't arrive until about 5, and when we got to the venue, we were somewhat anxious to see
how they were going to pull off the "general admission" seating and second stage at this venue. was pretty disappointing to say the least. No second stage set-up, and since this place has rows of seats
bolted to the floor, there was no pit area at all and the security nazis were more than helpful in making sure no one
had any fun in the aisles or up at the barrier. They even had the lawn area shut off, so no dancing on the grass for
all the kiddies. Very disappointing. I'm sure they won't be having that kind of seating again at this venue. I heard
many, many complaints from attendees about it, more than once I heard threats of "tearing this seat out and throwing
it at your head" at the security...

When we got there, I heard the last strains of Nevermore...damn! I was really looking forward to them,
they are so good live, just like the cds. Next up was Fear Factory, so we had some time before they started
and wanted to check things out...lots of cool merch, I wanted about 3 shirts and other junk, but passed...they
had a "meet and greet booth" set up, but of course YOU HAD TO BUY A FUCKIN' CD TO GET ANYTHING SIGNED.
What is this fucking bullshit?? More bands are doing this and it really pisses me off. Not only that, but they
had all the signings going on during other acts, so I would've had to miss Anthrax to meet 'Deth, and so on.
My friend bought a FF cd so he could meet them, and the fuckers caught a plane and left right after thier set and signed NOTHING!!
And he said that Nevermore were cool, except for Warrel Dane...maybe he just thinks that fans of his old band Sanctuary
are not worth his time?

So after making fun of the "meet and greet" stooges walking around yelling "buy a cd-meet the band!"
we went in and saw a great performance by Fear Factory. They were tight, much better than last time I saw them
(1999 w/Rob Zombie). After that was Anthrax...

They opened with "Among the Living" and the crowd was fucking nuts the whole time. They busted out all the classic 'Thrax tunes,
including the gem "Medusa" (one of my personal favorites off STD), and the crowd ate it up. Joey sounded really good vocally,
hell much better than back in the day, his voice was very good. Dan tore it up. Everyone was having a ball,
at the beginning Frank seemed to be having some trouble hearin himself and you could see it was frustrating him but they must
have fixed it, as he was rocking the stage in his usual style by the 4th song or so. I do have to complain about Scott's lead sound,
he was low compared to the rest of the band for most of the set. And Joey's vocals kept cutting out during a few songs.
Otherwise that...they sounded fantastic, and put on a hell of a show. Joey talked to the crowd quite a bit, thanking us,
and talking about how much he missed "Portland".

After 'Thrax was done, the crowd thinned a little bit, and we were able to get some better seats for Megadeth's set.
They played pretty much the same set that they played last year on their headlining tour, dropping a few songs (like "Mechanix").
Their sound was right on, no mistakes during their set (of course). Dave didn't talk much (for him). A bunch of the other
bands came out and did back up vocals for "Back in the Day". Not much to say really...the sound was good, the band was tight,
and the crowd was into it.

I do have to say....'Thrax was the winner at this show. They had the crowd in the palm of their hand's from the first note.
Welcome back, boys...glad to see ya.

*Edited to add...Megadeth had a TON of pyro. I mean, way way more than KISS on their last tour. During two different songs, roadies came out with marshmallows, then hot dogs, and cooked them in the pyro! Hilarious!!
"Some people go to bed with

Lucifer, then cry when they don't greet the day with God"

Last edited by Orygun_Rivethead on Sep 13, 2005 01:16 am; edited 2 times in total

Buen viaje y te queremos pronto de vuelta.

Take care a lot you Swine
sixxswine said:
I will be in Seattle when ATL visits and makes the Seachickens their bitches....
See y'all soon....
Damn man who am I going to talk about football with on the net?
Atlanta looks good this year and maybe my team might have some hope
the real test is next week against J-ville.