Kamelot, Opeth/Nevrmore/Into Eternity reviews


Sep 21, 2004
We seen Kamelot Friday night and what can I say. I was not impressed with them again. (See post in "Bands you don't get thread") They just don't do much for me and are pretty boring for the most part. They aren't bad, just not mine or Kathy's thing for that matter. Ben Jackson group opened up and they were OK, but again nothing spectacular. We ended up leaving a bit early.

Opeth, Nevermore, Into Eternity last night was the total opposite. I love all these bands and they didn't disappoint. It was a perfect line-up as far as I'm concerned and it helps that Opeth and Nevermore have two of my top albums of 2005, and IE had one of my top for 2004. IE were awesome and played around 30 minutes. The crowd really got into them and it was our first time seeing the new singer. He was really good and hit some super high notes and does some great death vocals as well. I think he will fit in the band just fine and will sound good on the new album. This was the last show for them for the year (they played 140 shows) and they are going in the studio soon. Looking forward to it.

Next up was Nevermore. Seen them twice on Gigantour and it was nice to see them for a bit longer this time. Still only about 45 minutes, but they rocked the house once again. Loomis is a monster on guitar, just awesome, Warrel had a bit of trouble with the vocals for a bit, but they fixed it pretty quick. Again, the crowd was great last night for every band. It was nice to hear TGE live. Hopefully they will come back as a headliner next year.

Next up Opeth! First time seeing them and wasn't sure what to expect with all the clean/death parts together. It must be hell for the sound man. They pulled it off great. I don't know how Mikael Åkerfeldt does both styles of vocals? He sounded just like the albums and I really like his voice (both versions). They really blew me away and sounded great. Highlights for me were Grand Conjuration (I love this song), Deliverence ( or as Mikael called it "Cannonball Run 3"), Demon Of The Fall, and In My Time Of Need off of Damnation. The whole set-list was killer actually! These guys are slowly climbing up as one of my favorite bands and after last night they got even higher. Kathy digs them, but still thinks the songs are to long and is not sure if she likes all the changes from heavy/soft parts. :loco: I told her thats what Opeth does! :grin: They said they would be back in February and I'll be back as well. I hope they bring some more quality openers next time.

One thing that stuck out last night was the crowd. There were actually quite a few girls/women there. I expected Kathy to be one of the only ones in the place but it wasn't the case. Nice to see the girls representing! Opeth, the next boy band sensation!:cool:
I saw Opeth last Thursday in NYC and I agree, it absolutely ruled. All three were great!!! Although, there were less girls there.....quite the swordfight.
Platinum Maze said:
I saw Opeth last Thursday in NYC and I agree, it absolutely ruled. All three were great!!! Although, there were less girls there.....quite the swordfight.

Well, it wasn't like the woman were the majority...it was still at least 10-1 dudes. I was was shocked to see more than a couple there truthfully.
I've seen Opeth 3 times, and each was fantastic! It really is a bit startling how well they pull off the switches back and forth between heavy/mild etc. Plus, no real egos in that band. Plus, there's about 300 feet of hair on that stage total, which is just pretty metal! Ha.

Last, referring to a male dominated show as a sword fight might be the most clever, funniest metaphor I've heard in awhile.
ElectricWiz said:
Last, referring to a male dominated show as a sword fight might be the most clever, funniest metaphor I've heard in awhile.

That's an old one...that or Sausage fest seem to work!:lol:
SavaRon said:
Opeth, Nevermore, Into Eternity last night was the total opposite. I love all these bands and they didn't disappoint. It was a perfect line-up as far as I'm concerned and it helps that Opeth and Nevermore have two of my top albums of 2005, and IE had one of my top for 2004. IE were awesome and played around 30 minutes. The crowd really got into them and it was our first time seeing the new singer. He was really good and hit some super high notes and does some great death vocals as well. I think he will fit in the band just fine and will sound good on the new album. This was the last show for them for the year (they played 140 shows) and they are going in the studio soon. Looking forward to it.

OH no shit! I forgot you hadnt seen them with Stu yet! He is great!! the kid has alot of energy and his High Notes are insane! I'm glad they were good! and I am glad those fuckers are finally done touring! it was nice to see em twice! but I want to hear a new album! :grin:
Cool! Too bad about Kamelot. I, on the other hand, would go see them at any opportunity. Different strokes...:grin:

I had heard nothing but bad about IE's new vocalist and was getting worried that it would be the end of them. It's good to hear the news is not all bad. I know he did have a little trouble with flu/cold when some people saw him so maybe that was it.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Nevermore Thursday. I just got Dead Heart not too long ago so I've been playing the crap out of it so I won't be a total newb. I'm already well versed in TGE though.

Cool review man! Thanks!