Adivce, Oppinions, Suggestions on a few recordings

The Uncreator

The Art Of Uncreation
Apr 16, 2009
Hey, Im new to the forum I was recommened here by a friend that said I could get some good adice fro recording, tips and tricks and all that good stuff. I can't post attachments yet so here are just links to where I originally uploaded them.

Here is the first one, Pair Annihilation

And the second, Which features a different setup for vocals, Silver Rain.

Any tips on improving vocals is what Im really hoping for, Please ignore the drums, For now I have to use Acoustica untill I get my internet hooked up and I can claim my copy of EZDrummer, So I do the best with what I got. Also any tips for improving guitars or anything is much appreciated.
Rate my mix/tone threads is the correct subforum

edit: I listened a part of the "pair annihilation" and I think:
- you need a bass guitar in there and cut the low end from the guitar to make it less muffled
- the guitar sound is too dark
- the vocals just don't fit in the song. rearrangement fixes that
- the drums need more attack/presence and the kick has too much mud
Yeah I know I try to compensate for lack of having a bass or bass player but adding a few decibels to the low end of the guitar, I really need a bass. As for the guitar sound being too dark, Im not quite sure what you mean, I was going for a "dark" guitar sound, given the lyrical nature of the song, Do you mean the tone itself does not fit? And I'll listen to the vocals see if I can find some rearrangements that will make it flow smoother with the song itself. Drums are just gonna be bad untill I get better software, Acoustica is just really limited.

Thanks for the advice, Ill start looking through the song see if I can make some fixes to it.
ahjteam has a good post about mix, starting with bass that works really good for my you should check it out