Adrian falls on his arse during Brave New World!

Epic and funny at the same time. I saw it ten times and laughed equally hard every single time!

Well they couldn't do anything about it at that moment because they were in the middle of playing the song! He finally gets up when the solo is over.
Epic and funny at the same time. I saw it ten times and laughed equally hard every single time!

Well they couldn't do anything about it at that moment because they were in the middle of playing the song! He finally gets up when the solo is over.

Where was Bruce? He was doing sweet FA and could have helped him up! ;)
And the song plays on... True professionals (yet still funny as hell). But still not as bad-ass as when Linda kept it going after getting whacked under the eye with the cymbal nut thingamajig during the Slinger's gig!
Aw, you're so sweet Kirsten. It was one of those moments where you want to stop playing but you just can't and have to make do however you can. Good thing we always dork out in rehearsals and stuff, that kind of monkey business comes in handy when you're in a pinch! :dopey: It was the challenge of the night. Where's the video cameras when u need em? LOL!
Aw, you're so sweet Kirsten. It was one of those moments where you want to stop playing but you just can't and have to make do however you can. Good thing we always dork out in rehearsals and stuff, that kind of monkey business comes in handy when you're in a pinch! :dopey: It was the challenge of the night. Where's the video cameras when u need em? LOL!

Wow, so my dorkiness serves a legitimate purpose? Great to know! Woohoo! :danceboy::lol:
That's pretty funny! Too bad it wasn't Janick... Adrian was a trooper though, looks like he kept playing while laying down.
That's pretty funny! Too bad it wasn't Janick... Adrian was a trooper though, looks like he kept playing while laying down.

Janick's fallen off the bloody stage before - that's plenty don't you think??? :p

The best one is Steve falling during Die With Your Boots On during what looks like the Fear Of The Dark era. Such a Spinal Tap moment! :lol: