Adrian, you faggot, get in here (plus something about Jerry going to Cali)

Jerry, it's more than that. I just saw the number somewhere today but can't remember what it was exactly. Check out
Portland is very very expensive but probably not to you considering where you're coming from.
The wife and I might move there and rent something for a year or so.
Katatonia. If we make it that far.

Plan is to get pissed faced in an alley way over a sleeping negar, then plunge our way in to the throes of Angelino Gothicism, wielding nothing but tongues set ablaze by the fiery drops of mountain elixir that fuels our heathendom.
Okay...what day, etc etc etc...if this happens...this should be interesting.

Also, what airport is closest? etc etc I need info!

I'll be sure to bring my rainbow bright shoes so I feel warm and fuzzy inside when I gaze at them.
fuck that ... me, gugs, zod and ali are going to edgay and into eternity this sunday ... come down for that first ... then fly out to LA ... its cheaper from NY :loco: