
Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
Okay, i know i am a little late with this but I just heard the clip Lost in Space on Your Tube and I love it. A little soft for my liking but catchy as hell. What caught me off guard was that it was Tobias singing. Did I miss something? I have never been an Edguy Fan due to the accent of Tobias. Don't get me wrong, seeing them live twice at PP they were some of my favorite performances. On cd, the accent is a little distracting to me and it is a shame b/c their music is great. So needless to say, i don't keep up with what edguy is doing. On this clip, Lost in Space, this sounds nothing like what i remember Tobias sounding like live or on cd. Has he changed his vocal style? I like this new approach. Do the newer Edguy albums have this vocal approach or is this just an Advantasia thing.

Comments welcome.


I heard a couple tunes from the new albums on THE METAL MADMAN radio show.....they kicked ass!!! Both the songs i heard featured Jorn Lande. I can't wait to hear more. The single 'Lost in Space' is a little soft, but the other two tunes i heard were AWESOME! Jorn sounded incredible. :headbang:
"Advantasia"...are they a more commercial version? :p I've heard the new EPs and wasn't that impressed...though I still really like the title track, and still have faith that the Scarecrow will be good.
Lost in Space doesn't do much for me but I LOVE the track Promised Land! I'm hoping the whole CD is more like that one.
The New Lost in Space EPs are pretty good imo, but they are a little too similar to Edguy's Rocket Ride album. That album was just too different from the earlier, more metal Edguy works.

Hopefully when the full work is released in January it will pack a huge metal opus punch like Avantasia Pt. I and II did!
I've now heard both Avantasia Lost in Space EPs and I can say there's nothing for me to be very excited about. There is some catchy stuff on there, but its mostly in one ear and out the other, unmemorable and shallow fluff. The only high points for me are Jorn's voice and if you try really hard when you listen to a couple songs, like The Story Ain't Over, you can pretend you're listening to Meatloaf or something. :p The worst song is Lay All Your Love on Me...that's just atrocious. For me, the only really positive development out of this will be if Tobias uses Avantasia to get all of THIS sort of thing out of his system so the next Edguy album can actually be an EDGUY ALBUM.
I haven't heard all of it yet, but from what I have heard it sounds awesome. I can see where it would be closest to Edguy's Rocket Ride than any of Tobias' other stuff, but to me that's not a bad thing at all. I really can't say for sure though until I get the cds in the mail...which hopefully will be soon.
I've now heard both Avantasia Lost in Space EPs and I can say there's nothing for me to be very excited about. There is some catchy stuff on there, but its mostly in one ear and out the other, unmemorable and shallow fluff. The only high points for me are Jorn's voice and if you try really hard when you listen to a couple songs, like The Story Ain't Over, you can pretend you're listening to Meatloaf or something. :p The worst song is Lay All Your Love on Me...that's just atrocious. For me, the only really positive development out of this will be if Tobias uses Avantasia to get all of THIS sort of thing out of his system so the next Edguy album can actually be an EDGUY ALBUM.

Couldn't agree any more with this one. I'll just be upset that if if he uses Avantasia for these types of work, it will have tarnished the image set forth by The Metal Opera series. :mad: