Adventures in hauling (part 1)


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Being a metalhead can be sometimes a big drag, ya know? :yell:

I bought 99.7% of my albums online and a big chunk of them with CD Universe. I found that shipping them to my local P.O. Box is cheaper than to Miami, FL and then by courier to Costa Rica.

On October 28th a haul was shipped (let's called shipment A), and on November 18th another one (shipment B). I'm waiting for both at this moment.

Up to now I had never lost a shipment, and the delivery time is pretty acceptable (around 9 days).

But something did happened since shipment A sadly never arrived. So I enquired with CD Universe if there was a way to track it and instead they offered me to re-ship it or return the money...ASTOUNDING! I mean that's class in customer service, isn't it?

So I humbly asked for a re-shipment and in less than 24 hours they did it........except that they shipped B :err: . So now I'm awaiting 3 damned shipments:

  • the one which got lost (or stolen) and I wanted
  • the one which is still on time (and I wanted too)
  • the one I don't want, or need or will replace the missing one :erk:
I wonder is going into pop and an iPOD will make my life less strange :confused:
Wyvern said:
Being a metalhead can be sometimes a big drag, ya know? :yell:

I bought 99.7% of my albums online and a big chunk of them with CD Universe. I found that shipping them to my local P.O. Box is cheaper than to Miami, FL and then by courier to Costa Rica.

On October 28th a haul was shipped (let's called shipment A), and on November 18th another one (shipment B). I'm waiting for both at this moment.

Up to now I had never lost a shipment, and the delivery time is pretty acceptable (around 9 days).

But something did happened since shipment A sadly never arrived. So I enquired with CD Universe if there was a way to track it and instead they offered me to re-ship it or return the money...ASTOUNDING! I mean that's class in customer service, isn't it?

So I humbly asked for a re-shipment and in less than 24 hours they did it........except that they shipped B :err: . So now I'm awaiting 3 damned shipments:

  • the one which got lost (or stolen) and I wanted
  • the one which is still on time (and I wanted too)
  • the one I don't want, or need or will replace the missing one :erk:

Wyv!.... Don't let these troubles ^
entice you to cross over to the dark side! \/ ;)

Wyvern said:
I wonder is going into pop and an iPOD will make my life less strange :confused:
Years ago when i first started ordering from Centruy Media I sent a list of stuff I wanted to order. Well Everything I ordered was out of stock and they sent me a completely different list of stuff.
I dont remember what i ordered but i know that this was what I got and years later I acquired the original stuff I ordered from stores and the stuff they sent me was better. Hopefully that made sense.

Helloween Walls Of Jericho
Celtic Frost Morbid Tales
Jag Panzer The Fourth Judgement
Wyvern said:
So I humbly asked for a re-shipment and in less than 24 hours they did it........except that they shipped B :err: . So now I'm awaiting 3 damned shipments:

  • the one which got lost (or stolen) and I wanted
  • the one which is still on time (and I wanted too)
  • the one I don't want, or need or will replace the missing one :erk:
I wonder is going into pop and an iPOD will make my life less strange :confused:
Your life won't be strange until the day you're into black metal my friend :D

Good luck with the shipments.
Fangface said:
Your life won't be strange until the day you're into black metal my friend :D

You're evil! :hypno:

I decided to lost the money on shipment A and order the albums from Amazon and this time send it to my address in Miami (tooking advantage of the free S&H from Amazon), the courier will charge me like $10.95 for the package but's the same amount of shipping directly to CR through CD Universe. The prices at Amazon are higher but even so the final price on the CDs in my hands will be less than the price of a CD in a local store (and the titles I'm looking for are not around anyway).

NP: Star One - 'Hawkwind Medley'
It sucks you ran into that roadblock with cduniverse, Wyv. I know you've steered me onto several items on there. I've dumped several sources that treated me really good for awhile and then, suddenly, they were out of stock or lost my order in consecutive shipments. Probably this is just a glitch with cduniverse. I wouldn't blackball them yet, but I would be pursuing other options.

I'm mostly an Amazon guy. Always in a hurry even if I have to pay more, but I usually get them in 3-5 days. That's huge for me. My problem is I research too much, listening to my downloaded songs/samples until I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
It sucks you ran into that roadblock with cduniverse, Wyv. Probably this is just a glitch with cduniverse. I wouldn't blackball them yet, but I would be pursuing other options.

I'm not blacklisted them, and as matter of fact they're doing an amazing thing. Consider that they are just taking my word on it and re-shipping the albums for FREE, I may be lying to get extra copies.
What "enrages" me is that even if I gave them twice the order number they still mixed up and re-shipped another order :err:

I prefer CD Universe over Amazon because of pricing, I had checked several times that even with free shipping Amazon is more expensive than CD Universe.

The End it's very good but lately they are not carrying most of the music I'm looking for and their prices had risen, but since the S&H is free they're still a plus.

NP: John Petrucci - 'Jaws Of Life'