Advice on a mix


Badman rudeboy
Apr 10, 2005
Hey guys,

I have a piece of work I have to hand in a few works and have been working on the mix.

Any pointers would be much appreciated. There are a few things I'm particularly happy with this mix, but still thought it would be good for pointers.


First song up there
My first thought was it is surely not the ideal environment to throw the dry sneap sample kick into. If it were me, i'd probbaly try to sort out a more beefy kick to help set off the ambient mood you're going for :)
Yeah, i agree with late night Kev... the kick seems a bit off in the context of the song and the feeling that goes with it.

It's too metal in the beginning, it fits the second part of the song well, but you should probably look for another kick, more rock like to fit both parts.

Compliments B.T.W... i really dig the feeling of the song, lovin the idea of it and well executed as well!
i agree about the kick not fitting the beggining. it works in the second part though. Maybe use a more bodied kick in the intro, then kick in with the sneap kick, you should make sure they sound somewhat blendable though. or just use a different sample.

also i find the mix doesn't just jump out at me. it's well balanced but, you should try and make the vocals pop more. try some delays, and reverb. Perhaps you could make the intro drums dry, then when it kicks in make them big and roomy. try to convey some sort of movement with automation, like accent the heavy parts with volume increases slightly on the guitars or something.
Cheers for all the comments guys, it is much appreciated.

Do any of you guys have any more rounded, low end kicks or could you point me in the right direction of one?

Keith RT99 - It's funny you mentioned all the things you did, because I think I nearly did half of them. For example, I have reverb and delay on the vocals but haven't gone over board on them. Also I put some automation on the overall drum mix and brought it up a few dB same with guitars etc. Do you think I should be pushing it a little further with my levels?

Glad you are digging the track Bob! Much appreciated.