Advice/tips on improving this tone.

Robert W

May 13, 2009

The tone that I'd like to get some feedback on is the track SMnodrum in the above link.

This was recorded using a Agile Inrepid 828 w/ the using the E-E strings tuned to A standard>GuitarPort>POD Farm>Dual tone

Top signal chain is,

Noise gate> Tube screamer (D:52% G:48% T:74%)> Amp: Angel P-Ball (D:43% B:49% M:0% T:100% P:53% V:77%)>Cab: 2X12 Blackface (Room:0%)/Mic: Condenser> EQ: A- G:-2dB/400hz B- G:-2.0dB/2.5kHz C-G:-2dB/6.7kHz D-G:2.0dB/3.0kHz

Bottom signal chain

Noise gate> Tube screamer (D:72% G:99% T:86%)> Amp: Citrus D-30 (G:100% B:31% M:51% T:100% P:76% V:77%)>Cab: 4X12 Line 6/Mic: Condenser> EQ: A- G:-2dB/400hz B- G:-2.0dB/2.5kHz C-G:-2dB/6.7kHz D-G:2.0dB/3.0kHz

Again, any tips on improving the tonal quality of this tone would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if anyone could DL this clip and run a high/low pass on it, I'd be immensely grateful. I'd do it myself, but I'm just learning how to you Reaper atm, and haven't gotten that far.
there's a button on every track that says "fx." it opens up the effects dialogue. click on it, then navigate to fx>add FX. type "reaeq" in the "filter list" box at the bottom and double click on the plugin that pops up. there's your eq for high passing, low passing, whatever you need. add or subtract bands as needed
there's a button on every track that says "fx." it opens up the effects dialogue. click on it, then navigate to fx>add FX. type "reaeq" in the "filter list" box at the bottom and double click on the plugin that pops up. there's your eq for high passing, low passing, whatever you need. add or subtract bands as needed

Ok, opened Reaper and found what you were talking about,

Now for the deluge of n00b questions, like how do I make this work? :p