Is this guitar tone cutting through?

Robert W

May 13, 2009
I'm in the process of refining this particular guitar tone atm and could use some feedback.

What I'm mostly concerned with is getting this tone to cut through the mix. I've been at this for a couple of days and ear fatigue is starting to set in, so I could sure use an extra pair of ears.

The "mix" here really isn't a mix. It's just a looped beat, Ghettobass and my POD Farm/Impulse tone. The purpose of it is just to get an idea of what needs refining/adjusting guitar tone-wise.

The tone is,

L6 Noise Gate> L6 TS> L6 Phaser> L6 Angel (Engl clone) > L6 Reverb

Amp settings are Drive 45% Bass 15% Mids 100% Treble 100% Presence 100%

TS is Drive 30% Gain 45% Tone 0

Impulses are a Marshall 4x12 v30 and a GK T100

I'm happy w/ this tone is general, and am not looking to alter it radically. Just want to maximize its strengths and minimizie its weaknesses more than anything else.

Was also wondering what kind of a plug-in is a Tube Saturator and what does it do?

Here's the link,

Track is CONSUMEtestmix