Advices/tips about low end


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Dear Sneapers

Here is a clip of my current work (no automation yet) I think this one sounds quite decent but I still have issues in the low end. In fact, there's a lack of low end. Comparing to other productions, my mix don't have enough sub.

I tried to fix that for days. I boosted the guitars @ around 200-300 then 300-400: boomy shit and no power in the lows. So I boost the bass @ around 60-80, then 100-150, then again 200-300: no convincing (I also tried by decreasing some frequencies) The kick was sounding good at first and now it sounds weak too.

I think I did all things I could but I cannot find the spot and now it's time to ask some help. What do you think?

Updated mix:
"Mastered" version:

Thanks for listening guys!
A good low end it´s mainly in the kick and bass, you have to work very well those 2 to get a good sound. A good bass helps a lot too.
I find that guitars are more of a midrange deal, with just enough bass to swing some ass around, I still leave my entire deep sub range to the kick. Multi comp on the bass chain might serve you. To really get a handle, I find I need to back away from the monitors a good ten feet or so, low frequencies take physical space to develop.
Although i cant tell how to fix your mix, it sounds very clean but indeed misses low end. Go check out some of Ola's video's, found alot stuff there wich helped me alot lately.
For example, a big 500hz scoop on the bassguitar, and then compress the shit out of it. Set it also loud enough in the mix. I tried to keep it peaked at -22 to - 20dB. I also noticed, if the guitarsound isnt to harsh, and there is some low end cutting in lower region helps alot also, somewhere around 130Hz, gives room for the bassguitar, saw this in again in ola's videos. Ofc alot depends on your gear, even playing style.
The bass guitar isn't filling out all of the frequencies that it should be filling, that is the hole you hear. The rest of the mix sounds fine to me, even kick. Just the bass guitar is lacking IMO.
Thanks to your posts, I pushed up the bass and touched the ratio sub/grit. Also made the guitars sound a bit less fatiguing (a little cut around 1.5kHz and 2.2kHz). How do you feel it now?

Edit: I still think it doesn't glue enough. Sounds 'small' if you see what I mean. It's about master comp I guess.
Once the project is finished and if the band is cool with that, I'd post the raw files.
Drums are all natural. Kick and snare are enhanced with sample (50/50). Very classic processing actually. Mainly SSL eq, SSL comp, T-Racks Clipper, limiter and Dverb.

Hum... What about the mix/sound??
Once the project is finished and if the band is cool with that, I'd post the raw files.
Drums are all natural. Kick and snare are enhanced with sample (50/50). Very classic processing actually. Mainly SSL eq, SSL comp, T-Racks Clipper, limiter and Dverb.

Hum... What about the mix/sound??

Very clean mix, I like the natural sounding mix you got there, except the bass... you have to find the "sweet spot" for the bass to sit in the mix... I find its quite hard too to get the bass sit well, How about compensating it by getting the low end from the kick?
My monitors don't allow me to do a fine work in the low end, that's why I need opinions and help. It seems there is a hole in the 120-130Hz and a bit too much sub (50-60Hz), that's what you feel too?
What about the mix/sound??
The track is starting to sound real good. Could still maybe use the bass gtr brought up another dB or 2 and a hair more definition on it. Losing the tom rolls a bit and also think the vocals could sit better. Maybe a different verb or a delayed verb and a little fuller eq on the vocals. They sound a little separated from the music. Other than that, ..sounds good.
Just messin around and did a quick master snip with a little more low end.
The track is starting to sound real good. Could still maybe use the bass gtr brought up another dB or 2 and a hair more definition on it. Losing the tom rolls a bit and also think the vocals could sit better. Maybe a different verb or a delayed verb and a little fuller eq on the vocals. They sound a little separated from the music. Other than that, ..sounds good.
Just messin around and did a quick master snip with a little more low end.

Did you remaster the track ? why is it clipping @___@ btw it starts to sounds fuller if you ignore the clipping.
Just messin around and did a quick master snip with a little more low end.

Thanks, it's really nice of you!

The file was a MP3 256kbps but it was also "mastered" if I can say (just a corrective EQ, comp and clipper).

Here's another song. Still have to automate some stuff such as delays and reverbs. I think it sounds less thin than before. In fact, I like it. What do you think of this one?


Sounds good and seems to be in the same ball park of the other song.

Might just need a bump on the bottom in mastering.

The only thing if I listen at moderate to low volume it's hard to distinguish what the bass line is playing. Maybe just goose it anther dB or two. ...nothing major though.