Advise on mixing Deathcore Guitars


May 6, 2011
can you give me some advises about doing guitars? I recorded a clean guitar direct through instrument in:

and puting it into ReValver and some other vst, but still sounds crappy. This is my firts time mixing trying to make guitars sounds good first... but iam desperate really :)... this is my mix. iam still working on it...

Iam from band Cinzana Bianca ( and trying to do us some preproduction on next ep :).
Revalver, use the green distortion and set everything to noon, use the 6505+ and set everything to noon (gain and input accordingly) and select "Vintage 4x12" (last impulse in the cab selection) as your cab.
Twist the knobs on the 6505 to something like ... bass 3/4 in, mids around 3 and highs around 2 or so.
Work your way from there by first replacing the cab (Recabinet demo or one of the quadrupiilian IR's on this forum, just use the search and use Revalvers IR-Loader in HQ mode).
Then replace your amp with the TSE X50 (free) and your stomp with the TSE 808 (also free) by putting them before Revalver in the chain while using either Revalver's IR or LeCab by Lepou (also free :eek:) with Forum impulses.
There you have a pretty cool (not anywhere mindblowing and somewhat generic, but ok) sound.

/sry, I'm a little drunk
//Whaha, was drunk enough to not see that you opened the thing twice ... yeah, do what's stated in the other thread man.
///Wait, its not exactly the same post, full mix link is missing here ... what did you do ?