Adware, bloody adware


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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I have a new addition to my list of program files in a folder called "clen". This contains an .exe file known as "saea", which I'm told also moonlights as a nasty little thing called Iwar.

Get rid of it, you say? Not so easy. Neither Spybot nor AVG will pick it up when I do a scan, and I have no idea what to do about it. Tips please?

I fucking HATE spyware. Had to format my computer when I got spyware on it last time - I couldn't even start up. Every time I deleted it using Spybot or Adaware it would just come back when I restarted.

I have no advice - I had to restart :(
Um, what thread is this...?

Oh right..

Try Lavasoft Ad-Aware.. It'll probably find it. Then, if you have the same problem that ceydn has (where it keeps coming back), I'm sure find that you have a virus downloader thingy that downloads new adware everytime you connect to the net.
Spyware Doctor gets good ratings, but they seem to be a bit tight with updates now if you don't get the paid-for version.
Right. The little bugger is gone, hopefully never to return.

After Symantec never sent me the instructions about how to enter my subscription key (despite my having parted with $46 for the privilege) I told them to bugger off and got my money back.

Security wise, I'm now running:

AVG 7.1 (registered for the next 106 years after a bit of semi-legal jiggery pokery)

Zone Alarm 6.1

SpyBot Search and Destroy

Adaware SE Personal

Is that enough to keep me more or less safe once I join the broadband club or do I need even more protective gadgets?

Thats pretty much what i'm running, but i'm running Mcaffee firewall/antivirus (it';s not great, but i got it free). From what I've read, Spybot + Adware are generally the recommended anti-spyware.
Yeah it has issues with Winfixer, I'm not sure if they are actually real issues or whether it just thinks Winfixer is bad.......
I've also read that Spybot have been left behind a bit by other programs, but then I've read a few conflicting reviews.