

Fuck consensus reality
Dec 19, 2001
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Well...I just read the interview with Martin on the main page of UM. Has anyone here heard anything from his Aerial side project? I'd be keen to check it out...considering Tool and Katatonia are two of my faviroute bands...

and it was a good interview by the way. It was good to see a point of view from the rythm section of the band. Though, just once, I'd like to see someone from Opeth say 'Nah..Opeth are shit. I hate the fuckin' music...I'm just in it for the chicks and the money...

:D :cool:
The interview was the first I had heard of Aerial, and a cross between Tool + Katatonia would be very interesting.
I'm looking forward to hearing what Aerial will actually sound like.
I'm keen to find out who else will round out the band (guitarist + vocalist).