Nocturnal Art/Candlelight - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon
Having known of Aeternus but never having the chance to hear an album by them I was kind of surprised that they were being described as a black metal band when after listening to A Darker Monument I found more similarities in their music to doom metal. There are blackened elements found but to my ears there are more influences of doom and death metal as well as Viking imagery that definitely sets them apart from other bands. It is an intoxicating mix of elements that makes A Darker Monument a very enjoyable listen.
Throughout the entirety of the album the music is at a mid-tempo pace. They never really go all out and speed things up. Rather the focus is on the musicianship, especially the slow and powerful riffs with a certain degree of groove mixed in. At the tempo that Aeternus plays they are able to make these riffs sound more crushing and in your face than if they were to speed it up. Both Ares and Radek have done an outstanding job coming up with these riffs and injecting them with the aforementioned groove as well as belting out several leads.
The tempo also helps in the vocals as it allows Ares to sing in a low, brutal and guttural manner, similar to death metal bands, but it is easier to understand what he is singing. Finally, they are able to incorporate other instruments like the keyboard without sounding forced and actually making it sound like those melodies being played belong at that moment such as in the final moments of "Litany of Ra".
About the only complaint I may have on A Darker Monument is a clicking sound I hear in the drums played by V'gandr, especially with the double bass. However, this fact does not take away from my overall enjoyment of A Darker Monument and it makes it an album that is very easy to recommend.
Nocturnal Art Productions Website
Candlelight Records Website
Aeternus Official Website
Nocturnal Art/Candlelight - 2003
By Rodrigo Escandon

Having known of Aeternus but never having the chance to hear an album by them I was kind of surprised that they were being described as a black metal band when after listening to A Darker Monument I found more similarities in their music to doom metal. There are blackened elements found but to my ears there are more influences of doom and death metal as well as Viking imagery that definitely sets them apart from other bands. It is an intoxicating mix of elements that makes A Darker Monument a very enjoyable listen.
Throughout the entirety of the album the music is at a mid-tempo pace. They never really go all out and speed things up. Rather the focus is on the musicianship, especially the slow and powerful riffs with a certain degree of groove mixed in. At the tempo that Aeternus plays they are able to make these riffs sound more crushing and in your face than if they were to speed it up. Both Ares and Radek have done an outstanding job coming up with these riffs and injecting them with the aforementioned groove as well as belting out several leads.
The tempo also helps in the vocals as it allows Ares to sing in a low, brutal and guttural manner, similar to death metal bands, but it is easier to understand what he is singing. Finally, they are able to incorporate other instruments like the keyboard without sounding forced and actually making it sound like those melodies being played belong at that moment such as in the final moments of "Litany of Ra".
About the only complaint I may have on A Darker Monument is a clicking sound I hear in the drums played by V'gandr, especially with the double bass. However, this fact does not take away from my overall enjoyment of A Darker Monument and it makes it an album that is very easy to recommend.
Nocturnal Art Productions Website
Candlelight Records Website
Aeternus Official Website