After Dark (band spawned from BB forum)


Remove The Limbs
Jul 4, 2007
Canada B.C
Since Mr.Belac (Un-knowingly) spoiled the surprise in the 'Death Metal Bands' thread. Me(Guitars & Vocals), Greiver (Drums), Scav (Backing Vocals & Mixing) and Bassman have a band going with 4 finished songs (3 of them mixed). We have worked very hard on them and thought it would be nice to show them off to you guys :) I personally wanted the artwork and layout to be done before we presented it, but our hardwork is still there for listening. Hope you all enjoy the fruits of our labour
Sorry man. I was drunk as fuck last night and came across it and posted it without thinking. I thought it was pretty damn good.

Fuckin' vodka
Glad you guys are liking it!

I do wish we would have waited till the song me and EG just finished was up to post about band, I definitely feel its our best yet. Just waiting on bass (Pat115 on UM) and Scav to finish it up.

Don't be afraid to send us a friend invite, it makes me feel special. lol...
FUck....I need those song on a server right now!! Mediafire, Rapidshare, Megaupload, Whatever, just put it...I need to hear that shit on my ipod :)
btw....I can get you people...the guy who did the Emperor logo...he already did one for a band I played with some years ago..this was the logo


He does them for free
After we have 6 songs done we'll get a download link for the demo. If you don't think you can wait 'till then I'm sure we can work something out, just find my e-mail and request which one(s) you'd like.

Scav is currently working on our artwork, including a logo I beleive. But that's an option we'll discuss amongst ourselves for sure.
Well I sent the mail to paul, cause he does last a little even doing an eraser for the Ill let you know whats going on

Cheers people ;)
The only thing i dont like is the lame name. Doesnt sound very DMish.
It reminded me of DAD and the song "Its After Dark".

Also, there is a swedish dragshow-group called After Dark...


(Oh, and before you ask me why i know that... they are swedish celebs, thats why, I have never seen the show! :) )