After Death/Nocturnus


Not For Wimps
Jun 29, 2006
North From Here
Any other Nocturnus fans here? I would love to see them at Ragnarokkr. There's been some talk about getting some harsher bands on the bill, and I think they would be perfect. Especially if they would play "The Key" in its entirety, as they've done a few times recently.

Two songs from "The Key":

"Lake of Fire"


They're now known as After Death. Here's a newer song, "The Secret Cycle." The vocals aren't as growly on this one, so the more sensitive among you might like this better.

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Nocturnus RULES!!! Their first album is one of the greatest death metal albums ever; production is a bit weak certainly by today's standards, still they were certainly a unique band.
If Ragnarokkr added a death band this would be the perfect answer because no fan of the genre will pass up the opportunity to see them live. Hell most of us thought the band would never resurrect for that matter.
Loved what I've heard from this band in the past, but I never got it due to it being pricey. Fortunately I just checked and found one from a seller on Amazon.