After getting monitors...


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Alright, so it was a while ago that I got my set of studio monitors, but this is something I've been noticing the more and more I listen to music on them.

I've noticed that I've started gaining a much greater appreciation for Andy's work and how clean and powerful his mixes consistently sound. I've just been juxtaposing Testament's 'The Gathering' with their older stuff, and there is no mistake that Andy's production techniques are vastly superior. I'm sure alot of it has to do with the advent of digital recording mediums and technology, but I also know alot of it is down to the man himself.

It's something that never really struck me until I got these relatively 'objective' speakers. It's just a tad frightening of how a 'true' speaker system can reveal the flaws in alot of my old favourites, and makes the creation of a solid mix all that bit more essential.

So yeah, props to the man.
I'd say its a bit of both there. In my lounge room I have a pair of Kef HiFi speakers and a pair of Tannoy reveal monitors hooked up to a amp so that I can A - B my recordings and this definatly helps when it comes to mixing your stuff, I also use my Sennheiser HD-25's as well as a reference point. I think that a 3 way listening system like this really helps when it comes to mixing, Im no expert but it sure helps me. What do you think Andy?
I tried out a range of monitors using 'Anthems of Rebellion' as my test CD, it didn't half make me feel crap when I listened to one of my own mixes on them!! Talk about shit!!

I'm getting a lot happier with my mixes now though, but I want a pair of Genelec's to A/B with my MSP-5's to help me really nail my mixes.
Moonlapse said:
It's something that never really struck me until I got these relatively 'objective' speakers. It's just a tad frightening of how a 'true' speaker system can reveal the flaws in alot of my old favourites, and makes the creation of a solid mix all that bit more essential.

What speakers did you get?
Mann PMA6. Don't bother trying to look em up on the net. It's a slightly obscure new Chinese manufacturer that is making amazingly good gear at insanely low prices, as those crazy asians tend to these days.

I A/Bed them at the store where I bought them to a ton of other monitors, including several sets of Genelecs, Behringer Truths (Hah!) etc. Compared to all those, these aren't lacklustre in the least.

I think the only real coloration these seem to do is brighten up signals alot, which I find quite cool. It's a new way to experience music, as most of my old sets of speakers were very dull, and I found the high-end always being overshadowed by other elements in the mix.
Moonlapse said:
I think the only real coloration these seem to do is brighten up signals alot, which I find quite cool. It's a new way to experience music, as most of my old sets of speakers were very dull, and I found the high-end always being overshadowed by other elements in the mix.

If that brightness helps translating your mixes well to the other systems, why not. IIRC some monitors (Mackies?) have controls for dullness/brightness, so one can adjust to taste... Dunno how much helpful it really is.
adrianvillan said:
I just got these yesterday!!
They sound amazing!! I A/B ed them with KRK's , Mackies, and Roland
Events blew them away!! I know some of you guys will disagree but I wasnt impressed with the Mackies. the imaging on these is incredible. YOu can almost SEE the sound move. No ear Fatigue after long hours either. Im a happy camper!
i use event tr8s and i really like them. they are really accurate when translating from system to system. they have pretty good bass response and i can listen to them all day and night with little fatigue. i tried a few different monitors as well(i couldnt afford anything over $800.00usd) and the events were the best for me. my mixes sound pretty much the same(love em or hate em) either in my control room or three of the best studios in the area(one is where killswitch records) so i think because my room is the greatest that it can only attest to the quality of the monitors. events deserve a hatd look when you are shopping for monitors.
unsilpauly said:
i use event tr8s and i really like them. they are really accurate when translating from system to system. they have pretty good bass response and i can listen to them all day and night with little fatigue. i tried a few different monitors as well(i couldnt afford anything over $800.00usd) and the events were the best for me. my mixes sound pretty much the same(love em or hate em) either in my control room or three of the best studios in the area(one is where killswitch records) so i think because my room is the greatest that it can only attest to the quality of the monitors. events deserve a hatd look when you are shopping for monitors.

Well now I can actually hear how bad my previous mixes were. They suck! Dull, lackluster, no punch. Just mixing with these and A/Bing with my yamaha NS 10, Im starting to hear more sparkle in my mixes. (not much though). Listening to Andy's Productions through the Events is euphoric. :loco:
adrianvillan said:
Well now I can actually hear how bad my previous mixes were. They suck! Dull, lackluster, no punch. Just mixing with these and A/Bing with my yamaha NS 10, Im starting to hear more sparkle in my mixes. (not much though). Listening to Andy's Productions through the Events is euphoric. :loco:

which events did you get?
Perhaps you might find it off-topic, but I'd like to know if there's any way that a decent headphones (like Sennheiser HD497 which I've got) might suffice for my monitoring needs? I only really need to hear my mixes as transparent as possible within my budget, nothing else. I've got my soundcard analog out plugged into my HiFI, and from there it goes into headphones. I know it's far from perfect, but still, have you got any tips on how to improve on it without spending a fortune on monitors alone?
Canis said:
Perhaps you might find it off-topic, but I'd like to know if there's any way that a decent headphones (like Sennheiser HD497 which I've got) might suffice for my monitoring needs? I only really need to hear my mixes as transparent as possible within my budget, nothing else. I've got my soundcard analog out plugged into my HiFI, and from there it goes into headphones. I know it's far from perfect, but still, have you got any tips on how to improve on it without spending a fortune on monitors alone?

I have 5 sets of headphones, they all sound different. Anything will work for stereo imaging, but nothing beats a good set of monitors. IMO
Canis said:
Perhaps you might find it off-topic, but I'd like to know if there's any way that a decent headphones (like Sennheiser HD497 which I've got) might suffice for my monitoring needs? I only really need to hear my mixes as transparent as possible within my budget, nothing else. I've got my soundcard analog out plugged into my HiFI, and from there it goes into headphones. I know it's far from perfect, but still, have you got any tips on how to improve on it without spending a fortune on monitors alone?

The thing with headphones, especially upper level ones (i've got a pair of Sennheiser HD595) is that everything becomes extremely clear and you sort of lose track of stereo image, this means that you often end up with not enough high-end in your mix and a stereo image that isn't as wide as you thought. Make sure you reference to music you know and also listen a lot on other systems.
Impy said:
The thing with headphones, especially upper level ones (i've got a pair of Sennheiser HD595) is that everything becomes extremely clear and you sort of lose track of stereo image, this means that you often end up with not enough high-end in your mix and a stereo image that isn't as wide as you thought. Make sure you reference to music you know and also listen a lot on other systems.

Ok, thanks. I do reference to music I know - by playing audio CDs on my computer, listening to headphones and trying to nail it as close as possible... As far as I understand, theoretically, if my mix sounded exactly like the reference CD through my headphones, then it should sound exactly the same as the said CD on whatever system I play it on, right?
Maybe this is already covered before, but what do Andy and James prefer as fav monitoring? Amps and Speakers that is...