After getting monitors...

Soundscaper said:
Maybe this is already covered before, but what do Andy and James prefer as fav monitoring? Amps and Speakers that is...

James uses active Mackie monitors (824 if I remember correctly).

Also, if my memory serves me, Andy uses Bryston 2B Pro power amps with his NS-10's and has Genelec 1031 active's (5 of them with the 1092 sub, for 5.1 surround).
Canis said:
Ok, thanks. I do reference to music I know - by playing audio CDs on my computer, listening to headphones and trying to nail it as close as possible... As far as I understand, theoretically, if my mix sounded exactly like the reference CD through my headphones, then it should sound exactly the same as the said CD on whatever system I play it on, right?

mixing on headphones is never the way to go unless you absolutely have to. monitoring while tracking with headphones sure when you have to, but mixing is just a bad idea.the results will probably never be as good as if you were using even decent monitors. i wouldnt keep trying to talk myself into headphones being the way to go. get some decent monitors and your mixes will get better faster. without a doubt.