after the burial

sash poask

Mar 24, 2008
so ive been listening to them recently, and im quite digging the production....anybody have any info on it?

really liking the guitar (sometimes it seems to have some reverb?) i know its a bit fizzy harsh sometimes but seems to suit the perfectly
your pms?

is there something you arent telling us?o_O

(terrible joke, i know:lol:)

hahahaha it is quite terribly but i love it

anyway if you got some pm's about any info would be great dude, donno what it is about it but im really digging it at the moment
here wee go

Nostalia said:
I mixed the drums on After the Burial's new album "Rareform". Dan came to my house for a few weeks and he played the whole album on my V-Drums and we combined sounds from BFD and Drum Kit from Hell. Majority worked out well, but Dan really like the high velocity drums (like Dimmu Borgir) so in some parts I feel they sound a little too fake, because the velocity settings were too high. Rest assured Dan Carle played all those parts and not of it is programming. I used to play with Dan in band called Nostalia, and he is a machine. The vocals were also done here on Pro Tools through a Sennheiser 421 into a Crane Song Pre. Guitars were recorded by Justin and Trent at some studio in Chanhassen, MN. They ran a POD XT LIVE into a SoundCraft mixing board straight into Pro Tools HD. I give them props for tone selection, I like the guitars. Justin also mixed the album at my home studio using Pro Tools 7.4 LE with most of the basic plugins except we used the Waves SSL bundle quite a bit. To give the mix a touch of character, I ran the mix through a stereo Crane Song Flamingo with a touch of gain. I believe they got the album mastered through Spectrum Mastering in California.That's all I know about the album.
ye i know why people would hate it, but like i said i really am quite digging the guitar tone....and the fact that it came from pod xt is awesome, thanks for the info ryan, much appreciated