agalloch touring?

Well, I know they've toured with Novembers Doom a couple times, but yea you're right, they're not real active on the touring circuit. JWW and Anderson always have other projects going on as well (Especially Likely Sloth, Sculptured, etc), so that may have something to do with it, I don't know.
I have seen them with Novembers Doom, pretty nice performance. Even though they should work on the clean vocals, (it was not as off key and bad as Novembers doom.) I believe that it was their first European tour.
When I saw them, the sound was good, but they were writhing all over the floor. It was weird and uncomfortable to watch.

edit: I do mean down.on.the.floor.
I've seen them 3 times, the first being a small 30 minute set when they opened for Katatonia/Moonspell a few years ago. I was also at both of their northwest stops in Seattle and Portland and both shows were great! The band is getting much more comfortable in a live setting and are sounding better and better. Give them a break, they've probably only played 20-25 live shows. They don't tour that much because they all have full-time jobs and Anderson is always busy with school/teaching.
why should i give them a break? i payed good money to see them and not only did they play sloppy but the sound was the most shitty live sound I've ever heard. I mean feedback from the clean vocals during "A Desolation Song" ??? Come on. They even admitted themselves that the show here was terrible.
is saw them a few months ago in belgium, vossellaar and it was GREAT! one of the best live shows i have ever seen.... and trust me, i saw a lot ;)
I have seen them with Novembers Doom, pretty nice performance. Even though they should work on the clean vocals, (it was not as off key and bad as Novembers doom.) I believe that it was their first European tour.

:rolleyes: Uh huh....anyhow...

Agalloch just did a little mini-tour in Europe several weeks back, and did a tour with us back in 2006. John has said that they're "laying low" for a while, but I'm sure they'll do some more dates in the future. They've got a live DVD coming out sometime this year so that should help hold people over in the meantime.
:rolleyes: Uh huh....anyhow...

Agalloch just did a little mini-tour in Europe several weeks back, and did a tour with us back in 2006. John has said that they're "laying low" for a while, but I'm sure they'll do some more dates in the future. They've got a live DVD coming out sometime this year so that should help hold people over in the meantime.

A DVD! Sounds good any idea of a release date and what it will cosist of?:headbang:
Not a clue, I don't know what their exact plans are for it. I know it'll at least contain the live footage from their show this past March at the Biebob club in Belgium. We both played this club on our last tour together and were impressed enough with it that we filmed our DVDs there, we did ours back in November '07. So I know the quality of the footage they shot there should be great, it's an awesome venue. They'll probably have an announcement regarding it sometime in the relatively near future I'd guess.