Aghora - Formless


Sep 7, 2007
Listening to their myspace, Aghora sound very promising. Aggressive guitar riffing under strong female vocals, a progressive approach that still keeps most songs under 6 minutes, brilliant lead guitar playing with some excellent sweeping, and some cool South American influences. Unfortunately, the album is just boring.

After a short instrumental, we get the first song, followed by the second and third songs, though I challenge you to tell them apart. They start with a cool riff, then acoustic instrumentation and the female singer starts singing very slowly, then there's an unmemorable chorus, then they do it again. Eventually there's a solo section with some great guitar playing, and then boredom strikes again. The best song on here is the instrumental Dime, a tribute to guess who.

The album overall reminds me of a movie that has a great premise but is hampered by several hours of corny love scenes. It's not bad, but it's nowhere near as good as it could - and should - have been.