
Sorry to clog up the whole system with another thread...but has anyone heard of the band Aghora?

They have Sean Reinart and Malone form Cynic and they are pretty amazing!

The style they play is progressive metal really.... thats what I would class it as anyway.

Also....all you Cynic fans...What is your favourite track off of focus?

Justa wondering:)
Aghora is great but afaik its dead now. The band is no longer working togheter or anything, and aparently there is some bad blood in the side of the riverio guys saying sein reinert was the one who single handedly ended it by quiting the band but those are nothing but rumors, as some unknown guy said in life support bands not rumors.

And my favorite cynic track is how could i cause is the only one i can play on guitar :p
Yeah i liked Aghora quite a bit, my favorite track being Frames.. fine tune! And how about Gordian Knot? Another band with Reinert and Malone in it... it is kind of progressive jazz with a bit of metal in it... all instrumental. It is one of my favorite CD's! Best track of course is Reflections... wohoo that is a cool song! And for Cynic my favorite song is Celestial Voyage prolly. I like the beginning.
Aghora definitely kick(ed?) ass! Although Cynic used to kick a bit harder... :)
"How Could I" is definitely my fav Cynic track, the last part of the song really freaks me out every time!
Aghora are not disbanded. I will add clarity to the situation:

Sean Reinert is a member of the band. For reasons unknown to me, their bass player left. Reinert suggested Sean Malone to Santiago Dobles (the guy who formed the band). Malone agreed to do it as a guest musician, but because of time constraints and personal interests didn't want to become a member of the band. Well, the album comes out, the Aghora site is made listing Malone as a member. He posts about it because he wants it to be clarified. The fans have a shit. They accuse him of not being proud of his work with Aghora and of all sorts of other ridiculous things. Sean and Santiago have a public fight about the subject and bad blood ensues. Aghora was never disbanded. They have finished writing the next CD and are recording it. It will be called "Formless" and is due to be turned into the record label by June (so it should be released in the fall).

Needless to point out, I'm a huge Aghora fan (and I don't just mean a fat one :) ). Cynic was excellent also, as is Gordian Knot (which is about ready to release "Emergent", btw).