Ah, psyched out again!

Your mother sounds like Devin, Bob? :lol:

That would be... kinda cool actually, but no you weirdo! :lol:

It's in one of his songs with a female saying stuff through the music.. sort of like the beginning of terria, in fact.. im pretty sure it's on that disc or ocean machine.
You imagine vibrations in your pocket?

It's kind of like a little piece of your hair being in front of your eye and thinking that it's a bug for a second.

It's not like I feel it physically vibrating where it's obvious. When I do look at it when I think I feel it vibrating I look without even thinking. It usually happens when I'm at work sitting in front of computer. I think it's because I unconsciously want someone to call me so I could take a little break.
I got to admit to the cop sirens as well. Can't think of any particular song, but a lot of commericals have them - especially ones for car audio it seems. I hate the feeling of cops being behind me :mad:

I suffer from the phantom cell phone vibration as well. I don't know what causes it - because I equally don't feel my phone when it actually vibrates. :lol:
i just remembered a break down in a song on akeldama from the faceless. the name escapes me but it sounds like the speakers short out and disconnect before coming back in with teh heav. very cool effect, but the first time i was like WTFJH (JH as in just happened).

A lot of ambient music has stuffs that "breaks the fourth wall" (to steal a phrase from the movie industry) and makes you think what you hear is actually happening in the real world, when it's just the recording.
The first time I listened to "The Politics of Ecstasy" all the way through. The last song, "The Learning" finished and I had my head phones on still as I was going to sleep and then about 6 min. after the song was done they have those creepy fuckin effects with Warrel Dane talking that comes out of nowhere with a nightmarish tone. I thought I was being sucked down to the 7th level of hell.
There's a part in the intro of Nickelbacks "How You Remind Me" that sounds identical to an AIM or MSN message received chime (I forget which), and there's also one at the beginning of some Lifehouse song or something.

There's also on Four Year Strong album that has a bottle breaking and some people yelling... freaked me the fuck out one time driving home after a party!