ahem. this is a cool app for osx

^ exactly, thank you jhakwe... my question is: why is that so hard to understand? perhaps if i find an interesting or tricky enough way to steal new cars, it won't be illegal eh?

there's a million little apps for OS X and Windows for defeating DRM and for sharing copyrighted material... we don't need a thread about each one, or even any of them for that matter.

maybe we need to spell it out,in very very simple terms... like a childrens book...

Dr. Seuss anyone?

it's illegal with an app, it's illegal with a cap
it's illegal in a house, it's illegal with your mouse
it's illegal peer-to-peer, it's illegal rapidshare
it's illegal, as should be spam.... it's illegal, Sam i am.

there... now everyone can understand it.
