What's a better choice? (Mac)OSX related


Sep 21, 2005
New York
So I know nothing about Macs(I'm a current PC user) but I plan on buying a Macbook pro for recording this week... the issue is I keep hearing about compatibility issues with Leopard OSX, new it's $2700 USD.... I can get a Tiger OSX Macbook pro for $2300 new....what's the better choice? any help will be appreciated.
If you want to run Pro Tools, then go with the Tiger machine as Digidesign hasn't released an update for Leopard yet.

Logic, Cubase, and Digital Performer all work fine in Leopard. Digidesign always lags behind.

The OS shouldn't make for a $400 difference in price anyway - just go with the Tiger machine because you can always upgrade to Leopard when you feel like it.
thanks for the info, actually I am waiting a few more weeks....I just read that the new Macbook Pro's will be out early Feb or March, so the current pro's will have a significant price drop :rock: